6.2.4 Product Tab

The Product tab includes reports that focus on the Key Performance Indicators for each Product. The filters for this tab allow the report results to be focused on selected products for comparison and targeted analysis.

The filters include:

  • Time
  • Company
  • Lines of Business
  • Product
  • Region

The various reports available under this tab are detailed in the following sections.

Key Product Performance Indicators Flash

This report shows snapshots of current key performance areas against the target.

Figure 6-103 Key Product Performance Indicators Flash

Key Product Performance Indicators Flash

Top 10 Products by Written Premium

This report ranks the top ten products in terms of written premium and their previous ranking. This report can be viewed over various periods, company, region products, and lines of business selected from page-level prompts.

Figure 6-104 Top 10 Products by Written Premium

Top 10 Products by Written Premium

Bottom 10 Products by Written Premium

This report ranks the lowest-performing bottom ten products in terms of written premium and their previous ranking. This report can be viewed over various periods, company, Region, product, and lines of business selected from page-level prompts.

Figure 6-105 Bottom 10 Products by Written Premium

Bottom 10 Products by Written Premium

Top 10 Products by Policy Count

This report ranks the best performing top ten products in terms of policy counts and their previous ranking. This report can be viewed over various periods, company, Region, product, and lines of business selected from page-level prompts.

Figure 6-106 Top 10 Products by Policy Count

Top 10 Products by Policy Count

Bottom 10 Products by Policy Count

This report ranks the lowest-performing bottom ten products in terms of policy counts and their previous ranking. This report can be viewed over various periods, company, Region, products, and lines of business selected from page-level prompts.

Figure 6-107 Bottom 10 Products by Policy Count

Bottom 10 Products by Policy Count

Top 10 Products by Earned Premium

This report ranks the best performing top ten products in terms of earned premium and their previous ranking. This report can be viewed over various periods, company, Region, products, and lines of business selected from page-level prompts.

Figure 6-108 Top 10 Products by Earned Premium

Top 10 Products by Earned Premium

Bottom 10 Products by Earned Premium

This report ranks the lowest-performing bottom ten products in terms of earned premium and their previous ranking. This report can be viewed over various periods, company, Region, products, and lines of business selected from page-level prompts.

Figure 6-109 Bottom 10 Products by Earned Premium

Bottom 10 Products by Earned Premium

Claim Payment Analysis by Product

This report shows claim payments by-products through a comparison between actual and planned values. This report can be viewed over various periods, company, Region, product, and lines of business selected from page-level prompts. The pie chart shows policy count by current in-time values whereas the line graph represents the values through a time series.

Figure 6-110 Claim Payment Analysis by Product

Claim Payment Analysis by Product

Claim Expense Analysis by Products

This report shows the claim expenses incurred for products through a comparison between actual and planned values. This report can be viewed over various periods, company, Region, products, and lines of business selected from page-level prompts. The pie chart shows policy count by current in-time values whereas the line graph represents the values through a time series.

Figure 6-111 Claim Expense Analysis by Products

Claim Expense Analysis by Products

Claim Recovery Analysis by Products

This report shows claim recoveries by-products through a comparison between actual and planned values. This report can be viewed over various periods, company, Region, product, and lines of business selected from page-level prompts. The pie chart shows policy count by current in-time values whereas the line graph represents the values through a time series.

Figure 6-112 Claim Recovery Analysis by Products

Claim Recovery Analysis by Products

Policy Attrition by Product

This report shows policy attritions by Products. This report can be viewed for current performance by different attrition types like cancellation, expiry, and non-renewals. This report can also be analyzed both in terms of lost policy counts and lost written premium. This report can be viewed over various periods, company, Region, Product, and lines of business selected from page-level prompts. The pie chart shows policy counts by current in-time values wherein the line graph represents the values through a time series.

Figure 6-113 Policy Attrition by Product

Policy Attrition by Product

Top Attrition Reasons by Product

This report analyzes policy attrition reasons and ranks them by each attrition reason and by lines of business.

Figure 6-114 Top Attrition Reasons by Product

Top Attrition Reasons by Product

Product Attrition Analysis

This report analyzes policy attrition reasons by-products and shows attritions through the three key parameters lost policy count, lost premium count, and attrition ratio.

Figure 6-115 Product Attrition Analysis

Product Attrition Analysis

Top Ten Regions Analysis

This report analyzes policy business at a regional level and displays top-performing Products and regions. The product and region wise ranking can be further analyzed through the following performance indicators:

  • Written Premium
  • Average Written Premium
  • Conversion Ratio
  • Policy Count
  • Quote Count
  • Attrition Ratio
  • Claim Ratio
  • Claim Payments
  • Claim Counts

Figure 6-116 Top Ten Regions Analysis

Top Ten Regions Analysis