5 Audit History

The Audit History provides to track the record changes made in system configuration.

You can track what field changed, what it changed from and to, who did it, and when. Audit History mainly serves the following purposes:
  • Capture a full audit trail of configuration changes to meet legal requirements.
  • Assist with system troubleshooting when needed.
You can track changes made to the following Admin screens:
  • Jurisdiction
  • Security Mappings
  • Business Domains
  • Case Priority
  • Case System Parameters

Searching Audit History Records

You can search for specific records from the Audit History. You can search by action taken, by time frame (from-to), and by the user who took action.

To search for records, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Applications landing page.
  2. Click the Application Navigation Application Navigation icon to access the Navigation List. The Navigation List displays the list of modules.
  3. Select Investigation Hub Administration, and then select Audit History. The Audit History page is displayed.
  4. Select the following details:
    • Action Taken: Select one or multiple action types.
    • Who: Select a user.
    • Date From: This filters the list with the records whose creation date is greater than or equal to the date entered.
    • Date To: This filters the list with the records whose creation date is less than or equal to the date entered.
  5. Click Apply. The Audit History page displays information about the records that match the values you have selected.
  6. Click Reset to discards the data entered by you and resets the contents to their original state. Saved changes cannot be reset using this option. This is applicable only when you are editing and want to reset the data.