4 Configure Case System Parameters

Case System Parameters are used to set default format definitions, which will be used throughout the application.

For example, if you have defined the default Date Format as dd/MM/yyyy, then dates will appear in this format everywhere in the application. The following table details the Case System Parameters which are pre-configured with the application.

Table 4-1 Seeded System Parameters

Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description Parameter Value
1 Date Format This parameter specifies the date format to be used across Investigation Hub application. Supported formats are MM/dd/yyyy and dd/MM/yyyy.

Note: If you modify the default Date Format, it will not be reflected in the Investigation Hub application.

Default value is dd/MM/yyyy
2 Date with Time Format This parameter specifies the date with time format to be used across Investigation Hub application. Supported formats are MM/dd/yyyy HH24:MI:SS , MM/dd/yyyy HH:MI:SS AM, dd/MM/yyyy HH24:MI:SS and dd/MM/yyyy HH:MI:SS AM. Please make sure date format is matching with date format provided in the Date Format parameter.

Note: If you modify the default Date with Time Format, it will not be reflected in the Investigation Hub application.

Default value is DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS
3 Base Currency This parameter specifies the base currency code for the installation. This currency code will be prefixed with a space to the amount values across the application except for the transaction amount. For Transactions, it will display the currency in which the transaction is done. USD
4 Valid Formats for Documents This parameter specifies the supported type of documents for evidence upload. PDF, JS, TXT, XLS, JPG, PPT, DOC, ZIP, HTML, PNG
5 Days for Setting Case Due Date This attribute defines the number of days to be added to calculate the default due date for a case when the case is created. Case due date will be case creation date plus the days entered for setting case due date. 30
6 Transaction History Period Number of days for the transaction history. This parameter will determine how many days of transaction history the system will display to the investigator. 120
8 Amount Display Format This parameter specifies the format in which the amount fields should be displayed across the application. 99,999,999,999,999,999,999.99
9 Number of days for calculating Nearing Due Date cases This parameter specifies the number of days to be considered for identifying the nearing due date cases. 10
10 Minutes after which locked case should be force unlocked This parameter specifies the number of minutes to be considered to wait for before force unlocking a locked case. For optimal system behavior, it is recommended to set the value above 15 minutes. 30
11 Case Result Export Limit This parameter specifies the maximum number of cases which can be exported from the Search Results list. 10000
12 Append User ID with Username

This parameter specifies whether the User ID displays next to the user name in the Investigation Hub UI. Valid values are Y or N.

This helps differentiate users with similar names.

13 CMCS Manual Quantifind Service This V_PARAMeter specifies the V_ATTRibutes for the ECM Quantifind batch service. The value of this V_PARAMeter should be set to Y. Y
14 CMCS Batch Quantifind Service This V_PARAMeter specifies the V_ATTRibutes for the ECM Quantifind batch service. The value of this V_PARAMeter should be set to Y. N
15 Kyc Network Graph Node Limit Number of nodes in Network Diagram. This parameter will determine how many Nodes will be displayed in the Network diagram for KYC Batch Case. 1000

Editing Case System Variables

To edit the default value of a case system parameter, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Case System Parameter List page.
  2. Select a parameter and click Edit Edit. The Edit Case System Parameter pane is displayed.
  3. Edit the system parameter value as required.


    You can edit only the Parameter Value.
  4. Click Save. A confirmation message is displayed: Saved Successfully.