2 Customer Risk Assessments

This section provides step-by-step instructions on how to use the Customer Risk Assessments.

Customer Risk Assessment Summary

This page lists the customer risk assessments where you can view the assessment details such as the assessment score, assessment ID, batch type, jurisdiction, customer type, customer ID, entity name, SSN/TIN, business domain, case ID, created date, and risk category. You can also manually promote the risk assessment to a case. Two risk scores are generated, namely algorithmic score and business check score. The maximum score is taken as the final KYC risk assessment score.

To view the Risk Assessments page, follow these steps:
  1. Log in to the KYC application as the KYC Investigator.
  2. Select Know Your Customer, then select Customer Risk Assessment.

By default, you can view the Risk Assessments created for the past seven days including the current day.

Searching for Assessments

If you know the risk assessment ID, use the Search by Risk Assessment ID field to search for the customer risk assessment. Enter the assessment ID and click Search. The Risk Assessment ID is displayed. If the assessment ID does not exist, the following message is displayed:

No data to display.

Using the Risk Assessment Filters

You can also use the filter fields to search for a risk assessment.

To view the filter fields, follow these steps:

  1. Click Filter Risk Assessments Filter Risk Assessments to show the filter fields.
  2. Enter values in any one of the following fields:

    Table 2-1 Filter Fields for Risk Assessments

    Record Name Description
    Risk Assessment ID Enter the risk assessment ID.
    Created From Select a From Date to view the risk assessments created from that date.

    The default date is Current Date-6.

    Created To Select a To Date to view the risk assessments created till that date.

    The default date is the Current Date.

    Batch Type Enter the batch type the customer belongs to.

    To select a value, click inside the field. The values appear as a drop-down list.

    Customer ID Enter the customer ID.
    Entity Type Select the entity type from the drop-down list. You can select Financial Institution, Individual, or Organization.

    An organization is any non-financial institution, such as technology companies, telecommunication companies, companies in the Food and Beverage (F & B) industry, and automobile manufacturing companies.

    Jurisdiction Select the jurisdiction the customer type belongs to.

    To select a value, click inside the field. The values appear as a drop-down list.

    Entity First Name If the customer is an individual, enter the individual's first name.
    Entity Last Name If the customer is an individual, enter the individual's last name.
    Entity Full Name Enter the individual's full name or the entity's name.
    SSN/TIN Enter the individual's Social Security Number (SSN) or the entity's Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).
    Business Domain Select the business domain the customer type belongs to.

    To select a value, click inside the field. The values appear as a drop-down list.

    Created Date Enter or select the date on which the assessment is created.

    To enter the date, click inside the field. The date must be in the format MM/DD/YY. The Date format will appear based on the selected Time Zone preferences.

    To select the date, click CalendarCalendarand select the date from the date picker.

    Case ID Enter the case ID.
    Risk Category Select the risk category of the assessment.

    To select a value, click inside the field. The values appear as a drop-down list.

    Risk Assessment Count You can filter the list of risk assessments based on the number of times the primary customer was risk assessed.

    Select the relevant operator (>=, =, <=) from the drop-down list and then enter the risk assessment count.

  3. Click Apply Filter to show the assessments that meet the filter criteria.
  4. Click Reset to clear all the values in the fields.
  5. Click Expand to maximize the Filter Risk Assessments view.
  6. Click Close to hide the filter fields.
    You can now view and download the details of the customer risk assessment. Click the hyperlinked value in the Risk Assessment ID column and then click the hyperlinked value in the Customer/Party ID column. Click the Export PDF ReportExport PDF Reporticon in the Risk Assessment Details section.


    The Export PDF Report option is supported for only applicants who have undergone Full KYC.

    If you think that the customer is a risk and must be investigated, click Promote to Case. A dialog box is displayed with the following field

Table 2-2 Add Case Creation Reason Fields

Risk Indicator Description
Reason* Select a relevant reason from the drop-down menu.
Comments Enter the optional comments to defend the selected reason.

The risk assessment is promoted to a case and a case number is assigned. The case number is displayed in the Case ID column. With this case number, you can search for the case on the Case Investigation page and view the details of the primary and related customer.

For information on Creating and Investigating Cases, see Oracle Financial Services Case Investigation User Guide. If you want to manually investigate the entity and do not want to promote the risk assessment to a case, click Cancel.

Sorting and Exporting the Risk Assessments

  • Use the Sort by drop-down list to view all risk assessments which have a specific value, such as the Created Date, Batch Type, Entity Type, Business Domain, Case ID, Jurisdiction, and so on.
  • Use the Arrows next to the Sort by drop-down menu to change order of the list to Ascending Ascending and Descending Descending.
  • Click the Refresh Refresh icon to refresh the list.
  • Click the Export Export icon to download the Customer Risk Assessment lists present on the screen. You can only export the number of records set in the Customer Risk Assessment Export Limit parameter value of the Admin screen. To update the Export Limit parameter value, see the KYC System Parameters section in Configure Dimension Data guide.


    For bulk export of Customer Risk Assessment records, see the Bulk Export of Records Displayed on Risk Assessment UI section in Pipeline Designer guide.

Customer Risk Assessment Details

The Risk Assessment Details page displays all risk-related information available in the Risk Assessment Summary page in the Risk Assessment Details section, the risk assessment score along with the individual rule scores in the Risk Assessment Score section, and the matches generated in the Matches section.


The field values do not remain the same as given during the batch execution, but they will get updated as the Master or Dimension Data values are updated.

Both the algorithmic score and business check scores are displayed. The Risk Assessment score for the individual or entity is the maximum score of the algorithmic score and business check score. If the Batch Type of the risk assessment is Accelerated Re-review, then you can view the evidence details clicking on the hyperlinked value.

The Matches section provides the list of records this customer matched with across various watchlist types, such as Sanctions list, Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) list, Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) list, and so on.

  • Click the Overall Match Score link in this list to open the Matching Details window with attribute match details.
  • Click Export Export to download the Customer Risk Assessment Details.
  • If you think that the customer is a risk and must be investigated, click Promote to Case Promote to Case.

Table 2-3 Risk Assessment Field Details

Record Name Description
SSN/TIN SSN/TIN field provides the individual's Social Security Number (SSN) or the entity's Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).
Batch Type This field indicates the reason why the Risk Assessment was performed for the primary customer. Valid values are Periodic Review, New Account Review, Accelerated Re-review, and Deployment Initiation. Among these Accelerated Re-review is a hyperlinked value and clicking shows the evidence details that include Change Log evidence, Case trigger evidence, and Regulatory Report evidence.
Primary Customer This field indicates whether the risk assessment details belong to Primary Customer or not. Valid values are Yes/No.
Case Status This is the current Case Status, if the Risk Assessment is promoted to case for further investigation.
Relationship Type This field provides the relationship type between the Primary Customer (Whom the assessment is created.) and the Secondary Customer (Derived based on the relationship (Customer to Customer and Customer to Account) to the primary customer as part of the KYC Batch process.).
Risk Category Risk category of an assessment is derived based on the effective KYC score of the primary customer.
Assessment Type This field indicates whether Full KYC Assessment or WatchList Screening was performed for the respective customer/party. For Primary Customers, it’s always a Full KYC Assessment.

If the assessment type is not configured, the default is Full KYC.

Case Closure Reason This is the final Case Closure Reason.
Effective KYC Risk Score (Overridden) This score is manual overridden Effective KYC Risk Score for the primary customer and as part of case closure in Case Management, the score will be updated in KYC.
Overriden Risk Category This field displays the category of the Overriden risk score. For example, Low, Medium, High.
MPTC Reason Reason selected when taking Promote to Case action.
MPTC Comment Comment provided when taking Promote to Case action.
Next Review Date System generated next review date for when the primary customer to be assessed.
Next Review Date (Overridden) This date is manual overridden Next Review Date for the primary customer and as part of case closure in Case Management, the date will be updated in KYC.
Case ID This is the Case ID.
  • If the Risk Assessment is promoted to case for further investigation.
  • Respective case ID, if KYC is integrated with other third-party case investigation system.

Risk Assessment History

The Risk Assessment History page lists all risk assessments associated with the Primary Customer in the Customer or Interested Party page.

To view the Risk Assessment History, follow these steps:
  1. Click the Risk Assessment ID, then select Risk Assessment History in the Risk Assessment Summary page.
  2. Click the Customer or Interested Party ID to see the Interested Party and the Risk Assessment Details.
    • Click Export Export to download the Customer Risk Assessment Details.


The field values do not remain the same as given during the batch execution, but they will get updated as the Master or Dimension Data values are update.

The Risk Assessment details and the risk assessment score along with the individual rule scores are displayed, and the matches generated in the Matches section. For more information, see Customer Risk Assessment Details.