16.1.2 Daily Maximum Intraday Liquidity Usage

This metric computes the maximum liquidity that a bank needs at any point during the day. This is calculated by cumulating the actual liquidity gaps in each time instance and identifying the largest positive and negative cumulative values during the day. The largest positive value represents the maximum inflow and largest negative value represents the maximum outflow.
This metric uses time buckets feature and is computed at level zero bucket level always.
The following are the steps involved in calculating this metric:
  1. The application obtains the actual time-stamped intraday payments data and arranges in chronological order.
  2. The inflows and outflows at each time bucket are aggregated separately.
  3. The net cash flow at each instant as the difference between the payments received and payments sent are calculated.
  4. The cumulative net usage at each time instant is calculated.
  5. The largest positive net cumulative position is identified as the daily maximum cumulative positive net position and the largest negative net cumulative position as the daily maximum cumulative negative net position
    The following is an example for this metric:
    For instance, if a bank has to settle the following 8 payments Intraday:

    Table 15-1 Example of Daily Maximum Intraday Liquidity Usage

    Sl. No. Payments Details
    1 19
    2 223 Paid on behalf of a customer bank to which it has extended a secured line of credit of $500
    3 99 To be settled by 11:00
    4 108 To settle obligations in an auxiliary net retail payment system
    5 10
    6 45 To be settled by 14:00
    7 379
    8 11
    The intraday transactions that occurred in the payment and settlement system are as follows:

    Table 15-2 Intraday Transactions

    Cash Flow Timing Inflows Outflows
    9:00 223
    9:30 19
    10:00 95
    10:15 223
    10:45 99
    11:00 108
    12:00 400
    12:35 22
    14:00 10
    14:05 5
    14:20 45
    15:00 379
    15:30 102
    17:00 11
    The daily maximum Intraday liquidity usage is calculated as follows:

    Table 15-3 Daily Maximum Intraday Liquidity Usage

    Time Bucket Inflows Outflows Net Position Cumulative Position
    9:00 223 0 223 223
    9:30 0 19 -19 204
    10:00 95 0 95 299
    10:15 0 223 -223 76
    10:45 0 99 -99 -23
    11:00 0 108 -108 -131
    12:00 400 0 400 269
    12:35 22 0 22 291
    14:00 0 10 -10 281
    14:05 5 0 5 286
    14:20 0 45 -45 241
    15:00 0 379 -379 -138
    15:30 102 0 102 -36
    17:00 0 11 -11 -47
    • Largest Positive Net Cumulative Position: $299
    • Largest Negative Net Cumulative Position: $138
    This metric is reported for each LVPS and for each currency.