16.1.1 Consolidated Payment System Run

If multiple payment systems are interconnected by liquidity bridges or if there is any provision to move intraday liquidity freely between payments systems, then transactions of such payment systems can be combined and reported against a single system. The application provides an option to the user to report intraday metrics in either standalone form (each payment system separately) or consolidated form (consolidate all systems wherein intraday liquidity moves freely).

Payment system consolidation is independent of legal entity consolidation which is already a feature in the application. For the Run purpose ‘Intraday metrics calculation’, ‘Consolidation type’ and ‘consolidation level’ labels are renamed as ‘Legal entity consolidation type’ and ‘legal entity consolidation level’ For payment system consolidation, there is an additional option in the Run Management window, ‘Payment system consolidation type’ to select either standalone Payment system or Consolidated Payment System. Consolidation of payment systems is explained through the example below:

For example, A legal entity has 4 payment systems (1 to 4) out of which system 2 is linked to system 1, system 1 is designated as the primary payment system, and system 3 and 4 are not linked to any system ;

If user chooses standalone, all 4 payment systems will be reported separately under their own names and own time zones

If user chooses consolidated, then reporting would be done for system 1, 3 and 4 in their respective time zones, wherein system 2’s transactions are subsumed under system 1.

While providing mapping, user is required to designate a primary payment system to which other payment systems may be linked. In case of consolidated payment system reporting, reporting would be done only for primary payment systems- in the time zone of the primary system.

For each payment system, the time stamp taken is with respect to that particular payment system. While doing the mapping between the payment systems, the time standard of that particular payment system is considered.