
In a Run-off assumption the bank assumes that a certain percentage of deposits/liabilities will be withdrawn by their customers before the scheduled maturity of the deposit. This business assumption would result in an additional outflow in an earlier time bucket and a reduction in the contractual cash outflow in the original time bucket. The assumption can also be applied to assets as well, where the impact on cash flows will be opposite to that specified for deposits above.

The cash flow movement happens from forward bucket/s to the previous bucket/s since cash flows which were expected to be withdrawn at a future date are getting withdrawn as on date.

See Defining a New Business Assumption, for information on the steps involved in specifying this assumption.

The steps involved in applying the delay in cash flow timing assumption to cash flows are as follows:

  1. Identify the original time bucket and calculate the cash outflow occurring in it due to the assumption.
  2. Identify the corresponding revised time buckets and the cash inflow occurring in it, including penalties, if any.
  3. If time specific or critical obligation, record the delay and indicate a breach.

    Cash flow assignment is done in the following manner:

    Cash flow assignment

    An illustration is as follows:

    Table 7-9 Business Assumption Definition

    Business Assumption Definition
    Legal Entity Customer From Bucket To Bucket Assumption Unit Run-off Assignment Method Assumption Category Based On
    Legal Entity 1 Customer 2 6-6Days 3-3Days Percentage 10% Equal Cash Flow Movement : Run - off Cash Flows

    Table 7-10 Cash Flow Movement - Run-off

    Cash flow Assignment
    To Bucket Contractual Cash Flow(From Bucket) Contractual Cash Flow(To Bucket) Run-off Revised Cash flow- From Bucket Revised Cash flow-To Bucket
    Overnight 20000 10000 500



    [=(20000*10%)/4] [=(10000+500)]
    1-1 Day 11000 500 11500
    [=(20000*10%)/4] [=(11000+500)]
    2-2 Days 22000 500 22500
    [=(20000*10%)/4] [=(22000+500)]
    3-3 Days 12000 500 12500
    [=(20000*10%)/4] [=(12000+500)]