16.1.6 Value of Payments Made on Behalf of Correspondent Banking Customers

This metric calculates the total value of payments made on behalf of correspondent banking customers. It applies only to those banks which provide correspondent banking services. This metric helps a bank to understand the proportion of a correspondent bank’s payment flows that arise from its provision of correspondent banking services. These flows have a significant impact on the correspondent bank’s own intraday liquidity management. Internalized payments are also a part of this calculation. Internalized payments refer to the payments made across accounts

OFS LRMM application calculates the total value of payments made on behalf of correspondent banking customers on each day. The split up of these total payments- customer-wise is available for the Top ‘N’ customers, on the basis of total payments made; where ‘N’ is a user input. The Application also reports the three largest daily total values and the daily average total value of these payments within a reporting period.

This metric is calculated at a Legal Entity- Currency granularity.