11 User Roles and Access

The following roles are defined for the Deposit Insurance Calculation (DIC) Application:

  1. DIC Analyst (DICANALYST): This user handles defining and maintaining the user interface input parameters and definitions required by the application. This user is also allowed to execute the Runs defined within the application.

    A DIC Analyst can define Runs with the following access privileges: Add, View, Edit, Copy, Delete, Send for Approval, Make Active, Retire, Approval Summary, and execute the Runs created in the application. This user is not allowed to approve definitions. A Run is sent for approval by this user to the DIC Approver.

  2. DIC Approver (DICAPROVER): This user handles for verifying and approving the tasks assigned to and completed by the DIC Analyst. Additionally, this user can execute the Runs created in the application. For instance, this user can approve, and execute a definition.

    A DIC Approver can approve Runs defined by the DIC analyst with the following access privileges: View, Approve, Reject, Retire, Approval Summary, and execute the Runs created in the application.