8.1 Liquidity Ratios

Table 8-2 Liquidity Ratios

Field Names Description
Report Name Liquidity Ratios
Report Level Filters Not Applicable
Report Description This report displays the pre and post option values. The high quality liquid assets drill- through report displays additional asset levels.

Report Type

Tabular Report

The following are displayed as row items in the first table:

Liquidity Coverage Ratio

Net Stable Funding Ratio

Each significant currency is listed as a separate row item in the second table.

The pre-option and post option values for each ratio are displayed as column values.


Legal Entity

Significant Currency

Asset Level

Cash Flow Type

Product Type


Base Measures

Liquidity Coverage Ratio

Net Stable Funding Ratio

High Quality Liquid Assets

Cash Flows

Computed Measures Not Applicable
Drill-through On Pre and post option column values of LCR and significant currency LCR.

Level 1:

Page Level Display Parameters: The following parameters are displayed:

As of Date


Run Execution ID

Run Type

Consolidation Type

Legal Entity

Significant Currency (if drill-through is from Significant Currency LCR)

Page Level Filters: Currency Type is a page level filter.

Report 1:

Report Name: High Quality Liquid Assets by Product Type

Report Level Filters: Asset Level (other assets are not displayed)

Report Type: Column Chart

The product types are displayed on the x-axis and the values for the selected high quality asset level are displayed as columns on the y-axis.

Level 2 Drill- through On: Column

Report 2:

Report Name: Cash Flows by Product Type (No change in this report)

Report Level Filters: Cash Flow Type

Report Type: Column Chart

The product types are displayed on the x-axis and the values for the selected cash flow type are displayed as columns on the y-axis.

Level 2 Drill- through On: Column

Report 1 Level 2:

Page Level Display Parameters: The following parameters are displayed in addition to the parameters displayed in the High Quality Liquid Assets by Product Type:

Asset Level

Product Type

Report Name: High Quality Liquid Assets by Product

Report Type: Column Chart

The products are displayed on the X-axis and the values for the selected high quality asset level and product type combination are displayed as columns on the Y-axis.

Level 2 Drill- through On: Not applicable

Report 2 Level 2:

Page Level Display Parameters: The following parameters are displayed in addition to the parameters displayed in the Cash Flows by Product Type:

Cash Flow Type

Product Type

Report Name: Cash Flows by Product (no change in this report)

Report Level Filters: Cash Flow Type

Report Type: Column Chart

The products are displayed on the X-axis and the values for the selected cash flow type and product type combination are displayed as columns on the y-axis.

Level 2 Drill- through On: Not Applicable


If the run purpose in the Run Management window is selected as U.S. Fed Liquidity Ratio Calculation then, Liquidity Ratios report is not applicable.