Create a Batch Group

You can create a new batch group in the Define Batch window and schedule and monitor the batch group that you created.
To create a new Batch Group:
  1. In the Define Batch window, click Add.
    The Create a New Batch window is displayed.
  2. Select Batch Group option.
  3. Specify the following fields:
    • Name
    • Description
    • Add Batches: This is a multi-select field. You can select the batches that you want to add to the group using this field.
    • Notify on mail


    The Add Batches is a multi-select field, you can select the batches that you want to add to the group using this field.
    Choose the desired option to notify by an e-mail the batch execution status depending on the property selected. E-mail for the email notification is fetched from the IDCS configuration for the logged in user.


    E-mail is a mandatory field in IDCS.
    The BATCH_NOTIFY_FUNCT function must be enabled to access this feature.
    If it is not available for the logged in user, this field is grayed out.
    • Every Time: An e-mail is triggered irrespective of the batch status.
    • Never: No e-mail will be triggered.
    • On Error only: An e-mail is triggered only when the batch execution has failed/Error.
    • On Interrupt only: An e-mail is triggered if the batch is successfully interrupted.


    Never is the default option.
  4. Click Save.
    The new Batch Group is created and displayed in the Define Batch window.