Scheduler Service

The Scheduler Service automates the running of models in the Compliance Studio application.

The Scheduler Service contains a graphical user interface and a single control point for defining and monitoring background executions.

The Scheduler Service is a service in the Infrastructure system that automates behind-the-scenes work that is necessary to sustain various enterprise applications and functionalities. This automation helps the applications to control unattended background jobs.

The Scheduler Service contains a graphical user interface and a single point of control for the definition and monitoring of background executions.

Following are the concepts or terminologies in the Scheduler Service:

  • Batch: Date and time-based execution of the background tasks based on a defined period during which the resources were available for batch processing.
  • Job: A batch job is a piece of a program meant to meet specific and business-critical functions. The program is a RESTful API used in a batch.
  • Job Dependency: When the batch job is submitted, it is moved to the job queue until the system is ready to process. The system process the job based on chronological order or priority in case if more jobs are required to be executed in the job queue.
  • Schedule: Batch jobs are used to automate the tasks that require to be performed on a regular basis but don’t necessarily need to occur during the day or have an employee interacted with the system are batch schedule. Jobs that happen on a regular basis are incorporated into batch schedules.