Create Paragraphs using Pipeline Designer

After creating the Models in the Workspace, create Paragraphs using the Pipeline Designer window.

Pipeline Designer enables you to design the paragraph using widgets (graphical representation) instead of using python codes. In addition, if you add new paragraphs in Data Studio, the added paragraphs are displayed in the widget format on Pipeline. Similarly, if you create a Notebook using Pipeline Designer, it can be opened for editing in Data Studio using Studio Notebook option.


When you open the notebooks from MMG UI, the attach workspace call will be made from mmg service and proper workspace will get attached. If the Studio is opened outside of mmg, then the attach_workspace command has to be used.

This helps the Financial Institutes and Banks in following ways:

  • Visualization of the data (for example, based on data tasks)
  • View the dependency
  • Modify the flow of execution or execution order
  • Easy for Auditing purpose

You can execute the flow based on requirement. For example, if you have created one flow and want to execute a flow of training paragraphs out of that and other flow as experimental way, then you can modify using the Training and Experimentation link types. One flow can be break into 2-3 flows for execution purpose.

When a draft is edited using the Pipeline Designer/Data Studio, and published, then a new version of published model is displayed in Model Summary page.


When you add a new paragraph from studio and opened the same in pipeline designer, it gets linked to multiple paragraphs. For example, you have paragraphs P1, P2 and P3 in the same order in a Notebook. It shows in Pipeline Designer canvas as P1 > P3 > P2.
If you add two new paragraphs P1a and P1b in the Notebook after the P1 and open the canvas, this gets reflected as the following:
  1. P1 -> P1a -> P1b -> P2
  2. P1 -> P3 -> P2

After opening a Model in the Pipeline Designer, following options are displayed:

  • Generate Model Report
  • Download
  • Delete
  • Clone Model

After opening a Draft in the Pipeline Designer, following options are displayed:

  • Generate Model Report
  • Download
  • Delete
  • Publish
  • Script Template list