Edit Exported Migration Definitions

You can edit the migration export objects that are not exported and their status is Saved or Failed. If the object is already exported and the status is set to Success, you cannot edit the object details.
To edit a record of the definition of export of objects to be migrated, follow these steps. You can add more objects to export or remove existing objects.
  1. Highlight the migration definition and click Menu button and select Edit.
    The Object Selection window is displayed.
  2. Update the required details.
  3. In the Object Selection window, select the required Object Type from the Object Types drop-down list.
    The object types listed for the System Configuration tab are, Batch_Group, PMF_Process, Batch and Schedule. For more information about the object types, refer Migration Object Types. You can also enter the first few letters in Search to add a particular object from a selected Object type.
    The list of objects is displayed.
  4. Select the objects to be added to the Migrate Definition or to be deleted from the Migration Definition.
    The selected objects are added/deleted to the respective object type branch.
  5. Click Save to edit the Migrate Definition.
    A confirmation message is displayed, when the definition is saved successfully.
    The edited migration definition is listed in the Object Export Summary page and the status is set to Saved.
  6. Click Save to update the changes.