Edit a Graph Pipeline

To edit a graph pipeline, perform these steps.
  1. In the Graph Summarypage, select the graph pipeline you want to edit, click the Action icon, and select Edit.
  2. In the Graph Namefield, modify the graph pipeline name.
    The name must be unique to a particular workspace.
  3. Click the Setting icon.
  4. In the Graph Descriptionfield, enter the description for the graph pipeline and click Save.
    The following page is displayed.

    Figure 8-120 Graph page

    This image displays the Graph page.

    The Maximum Age of Old session for a graph is 7 days by default. The Maximum age of old session of 7 days specifies that graph would be retained for a period of 7 days. You can modify the description and Max Age of Old session by clicking on the Setting icon. If you want the batch to be created in read-only mode for scheduler screen, enable the option.
  5. Click Save.
    The user session of the Graph Pipeline will get refreshed after the set timeline.