External Interface Component Scheduler Service

Use the EICSchedulerService.sh utility located in the <installed path> mmg-home/bin folder to perform basic scheduler operations.


  • Ensure public and private keys are present in the conf folder and the corresponding path is present in application.properties of mmg UI service.
  • You should be aware of the clientId/secret which will be used for basic authentication. (Currently, these values are stored in application.properties as token.clientid and token.secret).

Table 9-3 List of possible flagged arguments to be passed while executing EICSchedulerService.sh

Flag Description Comments
-o Operation Type: The operation the user wants to perform.

A mandatory argument for all type of requests.

Possible Values are:

1 – To trigger an object

2 – To get the current status of a run.

3 – To re-start an execution.

4 – To re-run an execution.

5 – To interrupt an execution.

-u ofs_remote_user A mandatory argument for all the type of requests
-w Workspace Id A mandatory argument for all the type of requests
-c Client Id for authentication

A mandatory argument for all the type of requests

Currently, in mmg-ui application.properties the parameter token.clientid is set to ofsauser

-s Client Secret for authentication

A mandatory argument for all the type of requests

Currently, in mmg-ui application.properties the parameter token.secret is set to secret

-b Object Name Batch or Batch Group Name.
-t Object Type For Batch, it is set to rest and for Batch Group, it is set to group.
-r Batch Execution Id Execution ID of the Batch or Batch Group.
-x External Unique Id The unique ID for every execution. Mandatory for execute and rerun operations.
-i Included Jobs In case of trigger, included jobs can be provided as comma separated values using this flag.
-e Excluded Jobs In case of trigger, excluded jobs can be provided as comma separated values using this flag.
-h Held Jobs In case of trigger, held jobs can be provided as comma separated values using this flag.
-v Dynamic parameter list This is an optional parameter to support passing of dynamic runtime parameters for Batch/Task.

Sample commands to perform Scheduler Operations

  • Trigger/Execute

    Execute batch “batch1”:

    Syntax: ./EICSchedulerService.sh -o 1 –u < ofs_remote_user > -w < Workspace Id > -c < Client Id for authentication > -s < Client Secret for authentication > -x < External Unique Id > -b < Object Name > -t < Object Type>

    Example: ./EICSchedulerService.sh -o 1 -u scheduser -w WS1 -c ofsauser -s secret -x batch1_1001 -b batch1 -t rests

    Execute batch “batch1” with Dynamic Parameter list

    Syntax: ./EICSchedulerService.sh -o 1 –u < ofs_remote_user > -w < Workspace Id > -c < Client Id for authentication > -s < Client Secret for authentication > -x < External Unique Id > -b < Object Name > -t < Object Type> -v <Dynamic Runtime parameter list>

    Example: ./EICSchedulerService.sh -o 1 -u mmgadmin -w CS -c ofsauser -s secret -x 232 -b BatchModel -t rest -v '{"batchParams":{"$FICMISDATE$":"2021-11-30","$BATCHRUNID$":"BATCHRUNID","param_1":"qwert","param_2":"abcde"},"taskRuntimeParams":{"Task1":{"p1":"11102","p2":"22202","abc":"123342","extraP":"wert2y"},"Task2":{"abc":"1233","p3":"3333","extP2":"0983"}}}'


    The Task/Batch parameters should be the actual parameter key.

    Execute batch “batch1” with “task1” and “task2” included:

    Syntax: ./EICSchedulerService.sh -o 1 –u < ofs_remote_user > -w < Workspace Id > -c < Client Id for authentication > -s < Client Secret for authentication > -x < External Unique Id > -b < Object Name > -t < Object Type> -I < Included Jobs with comma separated values>

    Example: ./EICSchedulerService.sh -o 1 -u scheduser -w WS1 -c ofsauser -s secret -x batch1_1001 -b batch1 -t rest -i task1,task2

    Execute batch “batch1” with “task1” as excluded and “task2” as held:


    ./EICSchedulerService.sh -o 1 –u < ofs_remote_user > -w < Workspace Id > -c < Client Id for authentication > -s < Client Secret for authentication > -x < External Unique Id > -b < Object Name > -t < Object Type> -e < Excluded Jobs> -h < Held Jobs>


    ./EICSchedulerService.sh -o 1 -u scheduser -w WS1 -c ofsauser -s secret -x batch1_1001 -b batch1 -t rest -e task1 -h task2

  • Status

    Get status of execution having runid = MMG_R1_2022-09-07_1662557327886_1:


    ./EICSchedulerService.sh -o 2–u < ofs_remote_user > -w < Workspace Id > -c < Client Id for authentication > -s < Client Secret for authentication > -r < Batch Execution Id>


    ./EICSchedulerService.sh -o 2 -u scheduser -w WS1 -c ofsauser -s secret -r MMG_R1_2022-09-07_1662557327886_1

  • Re-Start

    Restart execution for batch “MMG_R1” having runid = MMG_R1_2022-09-07_1662557327886_1: Syntax: ./EICSchedulerService.sh -o 3–u < ofs_remote_user > -w < Workspace Id > -c < Client Id for authentication > -s < Client Secret for authentication > -b < Object Name> -r < Batch Execution Id>


    ./EICSchedulerService.sh -o 3 -u scheduser -w WS1 -c ofsauser -s secret -b MMG_R1 -r MMG_R1_2022-09-07_1662557327886_1

  • Re-Run

    Rerun execution for batch “batch1” having runid = batch1 -r batch1_2022-09-01_1662011065557_1:


    ./EICSchedulerService.sh -o 4–u < ofs_remote_user > -w < Workspace Id > -c < Client Id for authentication > -s < Client Secret for authentication > -x < External Unique Id > -b < Object Name> -r < Batch Execution Id>


    ./EICSchedulerService.sh -o 4 -u scheduser -w WS1 -c ofsauser -s secret -x batch1_1002 -b batch1 -r batch1_2022-09-01_1662011065557_1

  • Interrupt

    Interrupt execution for batch “batch1” having runid = batch1_2022-09-07_1662530601924_1:


    ./EICSchedulerService.sh -o 5–u < ofs_remote_user > -w < Workspace Id > -c < Client Id for authentication > -s < Client Secret for authentication > -b < Object Name> -r < Batch Execution Id>


    ./EICSchedulerService.sh -o 5 -u scheduser -w WS1 -c ofsauser -s secret -b batch1 -r batch1_2022-09-07_1662530601924_1


  • On successful request for execute/rerun, the batchrunid corresponding to external unique id will be stored in the AAICL_SS_EXT_BATCH_RUN_ID_MAPPING table.
  • External Unique ID is required only in case of execute/rerun request.