Joining Tables

Use Join Condition to combine the data source details. Each data sources have multiple tables and multiple columns, so you can join them using Join Condition window. Joins can be applied only when user has selected more than one table.

Figure 8-6 Join tables

This image displays the Join tables screen.

You can join Tables either using drop-down or using the Joinscript option.

Using Drop-down

Select the Column name of Table from the drop-down list. You can use multiple join conditions by using icon.


In the current release, only INNER JOIN is present.

Using Script

  1. To use script, enable Join Script option.
    The Join Tables window is displayed to add scripts.

    Figure 8-7 Join Tables window

    This image displays the Join Tables window.

    You must provide the script in below format:

    Figure 8-8 Script

    This image displays the Script.

  2. Click Validate to check the Join conditions.
  3. Click Save.