Monitor Batch or Batch Groups

Use the Monitor Batch feature to view the status of executed batch/batch group along with the task’s details. You can track the issues if any, on regular intervals and ensure smoother batch/batch group execution. A visual representation as well as tabular view of the status of each task in the batch/batch group is available.

You can monitor operations for batches and batch groups using the Monitor Batch feature.

To monitor a batch/batch group:

  1. Click Monitor Batch from the Header panel.

    The Monitor window is displayed.

  2. Select the batch/batch group from the Select drop-down and then select the Batch Run ID from the Run ID list.
  3. Click Start Monitor.

    The result is displayed in Visualization and List View tabs.

    •  On the Visualization tab are charts and in List View are details in a tabular format with the following details:
      1. i. Batch Status: Displays the batch status—NOT-STARTED, ON-GOING, SUCCESSFUL, FAILED, INTERRUPTED, EXCLUDED, HELD, and UNDEFINED.
      2. Batch Start Time: The batch start time.
      3. Batch End Time: The batch end time.
      4. Task Details: Mouseover the task to display task status and additional details.
      5. More Information: The message returned by the Rest Service.
  4. Select Stop Monitor if you wish to stop monitoring. You can also specify the Start and Stop Monitor options along with refresh interval by providing the Refresh every seconds and minutes information.


    • You can select the refresh interval and the duration of the auto refresh. The default refresh interval is 5 seconds and default duration 5 minutes. That is, data is refreshed every 5 seconds for the next 5 minutes.
    • The interval input range must be between 5 to 60 seconds and the duration input range between 5 to 180 minutes.
    • You can use the Stop Monitor button to stop the auto refresh.
  5. To restart, rerun, or interrupt the monitoring, select the Restart, Rerun, or Interrupt buttons, respectively.
  6. To view log information, click the log icon in the List View tab.

    The Log Viewer window appears displaying the log details.

  7. Click the download icon to download the log, or click the close icon to close the log viewer.