Programmatic Dynamic Forms and Fixed Dynamic Forms

The Programmatic Dynamic Forms and Fixed Dynamic Forms scripts are supported.
A dynamic form is a user input field that is generated from the code of a paragraph. Dynamic forms allow users to bind free variables in a paragraph.
For Example:
The Textbox dynamic form allows users to input any string of characters. Its format is as follows:
  1. Click Add Python Paragraph in Model Studio to add a Paragraph in the Notebook and fetch the runtime parameters supported in Model Studio runtime as shown in the following example. This is available for all the interpreters.
    For example, enter as follows:
    ds.textbox('Name', 'Default Value', 'Label')
    Click Play to run the script and display.

    Figure 8-93 Run the script and display tab

    This image displays the Run the script and display tab.


    In the current release, the MMG Studio supports Textbox, Select, Slider, Checkbox, Date Picker, Time Picker and DateTime Picker dynamic forms.