Review Models and Move to Approve or Reject

The Reviewer must provide comments describing the action (approve or reject). If comments are related to rejection and if the Approver rejects, then model goes back to the Requester to make changes or to delete it. If comments are related to approval, then model moves further in the workflow and is displayed to an Approver. See the Understand Model Governance section before you start here.
To review a model:
  1. Click Launch Workspace next to corresponding Workspace to Launch Workspace to display the MMG Dashboardwindow with application configuration and model creation menu.
  2. Click Model Pipelinesto display the Model Pipelineswindow.
    The window displays folders that contain models and model records in a table.
  3. Click to display the Model Details window.
  4. Review the details and send it back to the Requester for modifications or send it to an Approver.