
Simulation run is for executing a single notebook in parallel by giving different values for same parameters. The simulation flow allows for iterative execution along that path with input drivers (variables) that are passed through a parameter set.

You can either create a new parameter set or use the existing parameter set and execute it from this tab. In addition, you can select or deselect the link types which you want to execute.

Figure 8-79 Simulation tab

This image displays the Simulation tab.

If you want to add different values for the same parameter, click Add Run. You can add any number of Run based on your requirements and then click Execute all to execute at one time. The Batch Run Identifier will be same for all runs and the Task id will be incremented for newly created run.

Figure 8-80 Run Stats

This image displays the Run Stats.

The Run Stats displays the execution start and end date. The Outputs of the tracked nodes will be shown under the inputs of each run panel.