View Log of Migration Objects Imported

To view the log information of a record of the definition for import of objects to be migrated, follow these steps. The view log facilitates you to view the log information of the definition for import of objects to be migrated with its status.
  1. Highlight the migration definition and click Menu button and select View Log.
    The View Log page is displayed.
    The export migration status with the following details is displayed.

    Table 10-4 View Log of Migration Import Objects

    Field Description
    Object Migration ID The migration ID associated with the export object.
    Object Type The object type of the export object.
    Object Code The object code associated with the export object.
    Creation Date The date of creation of the export object.
    Created By The User Id of the User who created the export object.

    The migration status of the export object.

    • Success - Indicates that the export migration was completed successfully.
    • Failed - Indicates that the export migration did not complete


    The View Log Page for a migration object with status Saved will be empty
  2. Click OK to close the window.