6 Workspaces

Use the Dashboard to create and manage workspaces in the Financial Services Model Management and Governance application. By default, a Sample workspace is created which you can provision and use it to understand the workspace workflow.

Workspaces can be in the production environment (deployed), or they can exist in a separate instance on their own (on local for testing purposes) with a copy of data that comes from the desired data source (production or external data source).

You can view the following details on Workspace Summary page:

  • Number of Sandbox Workspaces
  • Number of Production Workspaces

The Workspace Dashboard allows you to view the models of the launched workspace. To access the Dashboard window, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Workspace Summary page.

    The page displays workspace records in a tile format.

  2. Click next to corresponding Workspace to Launch Workspace.

    The MMG Dashboard window is displayed with application configuration and model creation menu.

    The Workspace Dashboard shows the following details of a launched workspace:

    • Mega Menu
    • Recently Used
    • Most Used Tags
    • Models Status
    • Job Status
    • Models Timeline

Figure 6-1 Workspace Dashboard

This image displays the Workspace Dashboard.