4.3.4 List

Use list filters to include or exclude data from the records.

To apply the List filter, follow these steps:
  1. Select the List tab. The List dialog is expanded to include the available list of records.
  2. Click Add to move all available records from LHS to RHS. The result is displayed accordingly.
  3. Or, click one or more records to move from LHS to RHS. The result is displayed accordingly.
  4. Click Search Option Menu to configure the filter type list. For example, it contains, begins, ends, pattern Matches, and is case sensitive.
  5. Enter the required alphanumeric value in the Search box. The result is displayed based on your Search Option configuration.
  6. Select Exclude to ignore those records that are in the RHS list.
  7. Click Null to include date with null values in the list.