
This report provides monthly trended results using that you can monitor product line performance, track earnings trend and other key factors at the product levels.

You can use a series of Report Prompts, as previously described, to filter the data. In addition, there are In-Report prompt selections to select the Top/ Bottom N products that you are interested in, and the corresponding data will be displayed.

The report displays the underlying data according to the following Charts:
  • Product wise contribution for Reporting Line (TOP N); the same is available for bottom view: In this chart, for the selected reporting line, the Top N (N selected from the chart prompt) and bottom N products are displayed in descending order of value of the reporting line.

    Figure 6-56 Product wise contribution for Reporting Line (TOP N)

    This image displays the Product wise contribution for Reporting Line (TOP N).

  • Product by End of Period Balance (TOP N); the same is available for bottom view: The chart displays the Top N (N selected from the chart prompt) and bottom N products sorted in a descending order by End of Period Balances.

    Figure 6-57 Product by End of Period Balance (TOP N)

    This image displays the Product by End of Period Balance (TOP N).

  • Key Business Metrics by Products (TOP N); the same is available for bottom view: The chart displays the Top N (N selected from the chart prompt) and bottom N organization units sorted in a descending order by End of Period Balances and provides the breakup between Asset and Liability Balances along with Regulatory and Economic Capital.

    Figure 6-58 Key Business Metrics by Products (TOP N)

    This image displays the Key Business Metrics by Products (TOP N).

  • Key Performance Metrics by Products (TOP N); the same is available for bottom view: The chart displays the Top N (N selected from the chart prompt) and bottom N products sorted in a descending order by End of Period Balances and provides selected KPI’s like NIM, RAROC, ROE and ROTA of these Products.

    Figure 6-59 Key Performance Metrics by Products (TOP N)

    This image displays the Key Performance Metrics by Products (TOP N).

  • Other Ratios by Products (TOP N); the same is available for bottom view: The chart displays the Top N (N selected from the chart prompt) and bottom N products sorted in a descending order by End of Period Balances and provides selected business metrics like Net Fee Income, Gross Interest Income, Interest Coverage Ratio and Debt coverage ratio, all expressed as percentages.

    Figure 6-60 Other Ratios by Products (TOP N)

    This image displays the Other Ratios by Products (TOP N).