Top Down Summary

The Top Down Summary Report provides a view of the descriptive analytics related to the heads of Income and Expenses.

You can use a series of Report Prompts, as previously described, to filter the data according to key attributes pertaining to the underlying Management Ledger tables. The canvas provides a summary view to key management reports for better performance tracking and profitability management. Distribution of Assets and Liabilities at enterprise and Income statement Analysis at enterprise/ Legal entity, Org Unit, and Product level along with Impact of on NII and NIM.

The report displays the underlying data according to the following Charts’ logic:
  • Net Interest Income and Net Interest Margin: The chart displays the absolute value for the Net Interest Income and the Net Interest Margin as a percentage for the selected time level. NIM is usually Net Interest Income expressed as a percentage that is, it is the net interest income a bank or financial institution earns in percentage terms on the average interest-earning assets in a specified period.

Figure 6-22 Net Interest Income and Net Interest Margin

This image displays the Net Interest Income and Net Interest Margin.

Income Statement: The income statement is a financial statement that shows you the bank's income and expenditures. It also shows whether the bank is making profit or loss for the given period. The Top Down Summary canvas displays a summary Income statement showing selected reporting lines with a dedicated canvas for the detailed statement showing reporting lines at multiple levels. Using the filter prompt in the chart you can select the 2 periods you want to compare.

Figure 6-23 Income Statement

This image displays the Income Statement.

Net Income Before Taxes Waterfall: The NIBT waterfall shows the incremental contribution of the displayed reporting lines over the base period that has been selected as the comparison point. For this report, the default view is of the last two time periods.

Figure 6-24 Net Income Before Taxes Waterfall

This image displays the Net Income Before Taxes Waterfall.

Net Income Before Taxes: The chart displays the absolute value for the Net Income Before Taxes for the selected time period/s. The default view of this chart is for the last 5 years from the current As-of-Date.

Figure 6-25 Net Income Before Taxes

This image displays the Net Income Before Taxes.

Net Income Before Taxes Growth Rates: The chart displays the relative percentage variation of NIBT that is calculated over the previous period available as per the selection.

Figure 6-26 Net Income Before Taxes Growth Rates

This image displays the Net Income Before Taxes Growth Rates.

Asset Balance: The chart displays the absolute value for Asset Balances for the selected time period/s. The default view of this chart is for the last 5 years from the current As-of-Date.

Figure 6-27 Asset Balance

This image displays the Asset Balance.

Liability Balance: The chart displays the absolute value for Liability Balances for the selected time period/s. The default view of this chart is for the last 5 years from the current As-of-Date.

Figure 6-28 Liability Balance

This image displays the Liability Balance.

Asset and Liability Balance Growth Rates: The chart displays the relative percentage variation of Asset and Liability balance values that is calculated over the previous period available as per the selection. The default view of this chart is a comparison over the past 5 years.

Figure 6-29 Asset and Liability Balance Growth Rates

This image displays the Asset and Liability Balance Growth Rates.