5.3.3 Execution History

The Execution History screen displays the historical executions of Allocation Rules/Models and Management Ledger loads. The screen has two tabs – Allocation Execution History and Ledger Load History- to serve the purpose applicable to the two historical views.

The Allocation Execution History screen presents a table that lists a series of allocation runs sorted by As-of-Date and by Execution End Time. You may sort on any column you choose by clicking on the column header upward/downward arrows, but the results are sorted first by As-of-Date and second by the column you have chosen.

Navigation in Allocation Execution History

When you first enter the Allocation Execution History screen, your results are shown for all As-of-Date values for which an allocation was run with the Executed As of Dates displaying value “All As of Dates”. You may select a different As-of-Date from a drop-down list as required.

With the ‘All As of Dates’ selected, the Allocation Execution History Table displays the Allocation Names sorted in descending order based on the As-of-Date and the Execution End Time.

Figure 5-49 Allocation Execution History – Sections

The Allocation Execution History screen is divided in to three sections – the Search section, the Inline section, and the Table section.

Search Section

The Search is used to specify the search criteria that will reduce the number of rule executions that gets displayed in the Allocation Execution History table.

To search the Allocation Rules, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Search on the Inline section to display the criteria window.
  2. Enter the Allocation Rule Name, Allocation Model Name, Batch, Executed By, Execution End Time, or Output Scenario and click Search to display the Allocation Rules that match the criteria.
  3. Click Cancel to remove the filter criteria on the search window and refresh the window.

Figure 5-50 Allocation Execution History – Criteria Window

The Allocation Execution History criteria window displays the fields for Allocation Rule Name, Allocation Model Name, Batch, Executed By, Execution End Time, or Ouput Scenario parameters. You can enter any one or more search parameters to see the rules that meet the search criteria.

The screen displays the search results that meet the search criteria in a table containing all the Allocation Rules.

You may search based on the following parameters:
  • Allocation Name: Performs a wild card search on Allocation Rule Name.
  • Allocation Model: Performs a wild card search on Allocation Model Name under which different Allocation Rules are grouped together.
  • Batch: Performs a wild card search on Batch Name.
  • Executed By: Performs a wild card search on the logged-in username that has executed the rule when rule execution happened through Allocation Summary. While it performs a wild card search on the username that has been passed as a parameter in the batch when rule execution happened through batch method.
  • Execution End Time: Restricts the number of rules displayed on the Allocation Execution History summary screen based on a user's specification of a single execution date and a no earlier than Execution End Time – Time From and a no later than Execution End Time – Time To.
  • Output Scenario: Performs a wild card search on the Output scenario for any Allocation Rule.