Currency Rates

Currency Rates Module uses the currencies defined and activated in the Currency Module to support the creation and maintenance of Historical Exchange Rates. In the Currency Rate Window, you can manage historical Exchange Rates between currencies.

To Currency defaults to the Initial Currency selection from the Assumption Management defaults in the Active Preferences Window. You can select another To Currency from the drop-down list that displays all Active Currencies.

Editing Exchange Rate Data

Select the check box on the left-hand side of any row to enable the Edit icon. After clicking Edit, the row becomes active to edit the Effective Date and (or) the Exchange Rate. Click Save to save the changes.

Viewing Exchange Rate Data

By default, both the Floating Currency Rates Pane and the Fixed Currency Rates Pane display the most recent month of historical Exchange Rate Data. You can control the amount of data displayed by selecting a different value from the Effective Date Range drop-down list in the Currency Selection Window.

From Date and To Date can also be modified to view relevant Currency Rates.

Deleting Exchange Rate Data

Select one or more check boxes on the left-hand side of any row to enable the Delete icon. After clicking Delete, a confirmation message is displayed. Click Ok.