5.1 Reference Data

This section explains about the baseline configurations like Currencies set up and oarious rules/assumptions can be defined. These configurations are referred across various modules of Profitability Management Cloud Service.


  1. Currencies: Currencies module allows you to define and maintain the currencies and currency rates.
    • Currencies: Currencies module supports the definitions and maintenance of currencies.
    • Currency Rates: Currency Rates module uses the currencies defined and activated in the Currency module to support the creation and maintenance of Historical Exchange Rates.
  2. Dimension Management: Dimension Management facilitates you to categorize data into a single object as a Member; define levels and aggregate data to form the Hierarchies, and distinguish each member by defining the required Attributes.
    • Members: Dimension Members refer to the individual items that constitute a dimension when data is categorized into a single object such as Product, Organization, Time, and so on.
    • Attributes: Attributes refers to the distinguished properties or qualifiers that describes a Dimension Member.
    • Hierarchies: Hierarchies refer to Dimension Members that are arranged in levels, with each level representing the aggregated total of the data from the level below. One dimension type can have multiple hierarchies associated with it.