5 About Case Security Mappings

Use the Security Attributes to map user groups with business domains, jurisdictions, and case types. This determines the access privileges users have and which activities they may perform.

User groups must be mapped with the following attributes:
  • Jurisdictions
  • Business Domains


If your firm has enabled the Compliance Regulatory Reporting application, you can optionally map user groups to a Report Type, used to access the CRR Report in Case Investigation. CRR Reports can be generated without mapping the Report Type attribute, but cannot be viewed unless a Report Type has been mapped.


If your implementation is using Case Manager, you must also map user groups to a Case Type. Investigation Hub does not currently support Case Type mapping.
Before mapping security attributes, you must complete the following:
  1. Create users.
  2. Map users to user groups.
  3. Create business domains.
  4. Create jurisdictions.