Creating Events

An event is a record of one or more pattern matches in a detection run, which is a signal for further investigation.

In Scenario Pipelines, the Create Event widget is the final part of the pipeline and is used to produce an event. An event is a record of one or more pattern matches in a detection run, which is a signal for further investigation. An event is also a unit of work in which a focus appears to have exhibited behavior of interest, along with the supporting information. A focus represents a business entity around which activity is reviewed and aggregated. For example customer, account or external entity. Events can be generated from a pattern matching specific source events, a sequence of events, trends, conditions, or context.

To create an event, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Pipeline Designer page.
  2. Drag and drop the Create Event widget from the widgets pane to the designer pane.
  3. Hover on the Create Event widget and click Edit Edit icon. A dialog box is displayed.
  4. Verify the details and click Save Save icon to save the changes.
    The Create Event widget is created.