6 Managing Scoring Pipelines

A Scoring Pipeline is used to calculate Event and Correlation scores, and define Decision Rules for case promotion.

Logical conditions are used to define the Event and Correlation scores. These logical conditions are grouped in Rules.

Scoring can be performed on events or correlations. The Pre-Case score is the sum of score of all events and the correlation. Events are promoted to case based on decision rules which run on the pre-case score calculated earlier.

After creating the Jurisdiction in the system, create a pre-case decision rule in the scoring pipeline with respect to the Case Type, Jurisdiction combination. You need to take a copy of the existing pipeline and create the decision rule.


You cannot use the default ECMProcess Batch unless you configure a Case Scoring Pipeline and associate it with the Batch.

Scoring Pipeline Operations

A scoring pipeline has the following major operations:
  • Correlation Scoring: Scoring each correlation based on the defined rules and condition.
  • Event Scoring: Scoring each event based on the defined rules and condition.
  • Moving Scoring Data: The result of the event scoring and correlation scoring rule sets are moved to the related tables in Case Management and then the Pre-Case score is calculated.
  • Pre-case Decision: Rules defining a threshold through which decision to promote a correlation to a case is taken.