Entity314aDIScreening Batch Details

The Entity314aDIScreening batch runs the matching rules for individuals and generates the events. This batch is run during Deployment Initation (DI), that is, Day 0 or Initial screening.

The following table provides the list of tasks in the Entity314aDIScreeningbatch. These tasks must be executed in the following order:


ATTENTION: You can slice the customer data and execute the slices instead of executing extensive data. The Data Slicing functionality empowers you to partition the data on the Day 0/Initial screening, facilitating the screening of smaller, more manageable chunks or slices of customer data. Consequently, this reduces resource requirements and the time needed for the screening process. For more information on Slicing Customer data, see the FCCM Cloud Master Data Guide.

Table 19-50 Entity314aDIScreeningBatch Details

Sequence Tasks for Entity314aDIScreeningBatch Jobs for Entity314aDIScreeningBatch Pipelines for Entity314aDIScreeningBatch Comment
1 StartBatchEntity314aDIScreening Not Applicable Not Applicable  
2 Entity314aDIBatchScreeningTask Entity314aScreeningJob Entity314aScreening Data Origin ($DATAORIGIN$) and Slice Name ($SLICENAME$) are mandatory parameters.
3 Validate314aEntityBatch Not Applicable Not Applicable
  • Slice Name ($SLICENAME$) is a mandatory parameter.
  • You cannot repeat the slice name if a batch is ongoing with the same slice name. The Validate314aEntity task will show an error message if you repeat the slice name in a progressing batch. After the successful execution of the batch, you can use the slice name again.
4 EndBatchEntity314aDIScreening Not Applicable Not Applicable