Purge Batch Details

Purge batches are used when your batch has not executed successfully to purge the data and execute the batch again.

If your batch has not executed successfully, has been explicitly interrupted or cancelled, or was put on hold during the execution process, first try to restart the batch following the steps in Restart a Batch/Batch Group If this is not successful, then you can purge the data and execute the batch again.


Purge batches are not a regular required activity. They should only be used when other methods to re-run the batches are not successful.
To purge the data which was partially processed during the interrupted or canceled batch execution, follow these steps:
  • If the AMLDataLoad batch fails to execute, follow these steps:
    1. Run the PurgeStagingTables batch for the batch date and data origin on which the batch failed.
    2. Execute the AMLDataLoad batch for the batch date.
  • If the Ingestion batch fails, follow these steps:
    1. Run the PurgeTMTables and the PurgeAMIngestionTables batches by providing the failed batchrunID as input parameter in the field $FCCBATCHRUNID$.
    2. Execute the Ingestion batch for the batch date.
  • If any Case Management batch fails to execute, follow these steps:
    1. Run the PurgeCMTables batch by providing the failed batchrunID as input parameter in the field $FCCBATCHRUNID$.
    2. Execute the Case Management batch for the batch date.
  • If the AMLToCMEventData batch fails to execute, follow these steps:
    1. Run the PurgeAMLToCMEventData batch by providing the failed batchrunID as input parameter in the field $FCCBATCHRUNID$.
    2. Execute the Curated CM batch for the batch date.
  • If the KYC batch fails to execute, follow these steps:
    1. Run the PurgeKYCTables batch by providing the failed batchrunID as input parameter in the field $FCCBATCHRUNID$.
    2. Execute the KYC batch for the batch date.
  • If the KYC DeploymentInitiation batch fails to execute, follow these steps:
    1. Run the PurgeKYCTables batch by providing the failed batchrunID as input parameter in the field $FCCBATCHRUNID$.
    2. Run the PurgeCustomerSlicing batch by providing the failed SliceName as input parameter in the field $SLICENAME$ and AppID as input in the field $APPID$.
  • If the CS batch fails to execute, follow these steps:
    1. Run the PurgeCSTables batch by providing the failed batchrunID as input parameter in the field $FCCBATCHRUNID$.
    2. Execute the CS batch for the batch date.


      • After executing the purge batch, the metering records for that run will get deleted. To get the updated data for the metering in the Dashboard UI, you must run AMLMetrics from the Scheduler screen. Otherwise, you must wait until the next day for the latest data to reflect in the UI.
      • If you are purging a DI batch, you must enter the exact slice name label used in the failed DI batch as the slice name ($SLICENAME$) parameter in the PurgeCSTables batch.
  • If the CMIngestion batch fails to execute, follow these steps:
    1. Run the PurgeCMIngestion batch by providing the failed batchrunID as input parameter in the field $FCCBATCHRUNID$.
    2. Execute the CMIngestion batch for the batch date.


      • The batch should not be executed for any past dates, but only for the batch date on which the batch failed.
      • Purge Batches should be run in the reverse order of batch execution. For example, if batches are run in the order of Ingestion > TMScenario > CMIngestion and AMLtoCaseManagement, then the purge batch order should be: AMLtoCaseManagement > CMIngestion > TMScenario > Ingestion.