TMScenario Batch Details

The TMScenario batch uses the data that is prepared during ingestion and executes the scenario pipelines in the configured sequence to generate events.

For detailed information about the pre-configured scenarios, see the Technical Scenario Description.


You cannot run the TMScenario batch before running the Ingestion batch.
The following table provides the tasks that are configured for the TMScenario batch. These tasks can be executed in the order required by your implementation, but must begin with a StartBatch, followed by Calendar, then the Jobs you will be running, and end with an EndBatch.

Table 19-9 TMScenario Batch Details

Sequence Tasks for TMScenario Batch Jobs for TMScenario Batch Pipelines for TMScenario Batch
1 StartBatch Not Applicable Not Applicable
2 CALENDAR Load Calendar Data Load Calendar Data
3 HRECUST Focal High Risk Entity - Customer Focus Focal High Risk Entity - Customer Focus
4 HRGACCT High Risk Geography - Account Focus High Risk Geography - Account Focus
5 POSSIBLECTRCUST Possible Currency Transaction Report - Customer Focus Possible Currency Transaction Report - Customer Focus
6 LRTCUST Large Reportable Transaction - Customer Focus Large Reportable Transaction - Customer Focus
7 FTNINTCUST Patterns of Funds Transfers Between Internal Accounts and Customers - Customer Focus Patterns of Funds Transfers Between Internal Accounts and Customers - Customer Focus
8 FTNEXTCUSTC Patterns of Funds Transfers Between Receiving Customers and External Entity - Customer Focus Patterns of Funds Transfers Between Receiving Customers and External Entity - Customer Focus
9 FTNEXTCUSTD Patterns of Funds Transfers Between Sending Customers and External Entity - Customer Focus Patterns of Funds Transfers Between Sending Customers and External Entity - Customer Focus
10 RMFCUST Rapid Movement of Funds - Customer Focus Rapid Movement of Funds - Customer Focus
11 LDACCT Large Depreciation of Account Value - Account Focus Large Depreciation of Account Value - Account Focus
12 HREEE Focal High Risk Entity - External Entity Focus Focal High Risk Entity - External Entity Focus
13 HRGEE High Risk Geography - External Entity Focus High Risk Geography - External Entity Focus
14 LRTEE Large Reportable Transactions - External Entity Focus Large Reportable Transactions - External Entity Focus
15 POSSIBLECTREE Possible Currency Transaction Report - External Entity Focus Possible Currency Transaction Report - External Entity Focus
16 HUBSPOKE Hub and Spoke - Customer Focus Hub and Spoke - Customer Focus
17 HRCPAC High Risk Counter Party - Account Focus High Risk Counter Party - Account Focus
18 HRCPCU High Risk Counter Party - Customer Focus High Risk Counter Party - Customer Focus
19 HRCPEE High Risk Counter Party - External Entity Focus High Risk Counter Party - External Entity Focus
20 CIBFAAF CIB Foreign Activity - Account Focus CIB Foreign Activity - Account Focus
21 CIBHRGAAF CIB High Risk Geography Activity - Account Focus CIB High Risk Geography Activity - Account Focus
22 CIBSCPAAAF CIB Significant Change From Previous Average Activity - Account Focus CIB Significant Change From Previous Average Activity - Account Focus
23 CIBSCPPAAF CIB Significant Change From Previous Peak Activity - Account Focus CIB Significant Change From Previous Peak Activity - Account Focus
24 EIIAF Escalation in Inactive Account - Account Focus Escalation in Inactive Account - Account Focus
25 RMFAAAF Rapid Movement of Funds All Activity - Account Focus Rapid Movement of Funds All Activity - Account Focus
26 STRAVCRAC Structuring - Avoidance of Reporting Thresholds Credit - Account Focus Structuring - Avoidance of Reporting Thresholds - Account Focus
27 STRAVDBAC Structuring - Avoidance of Reporting Thresholds Debit - Account Focus Structuring - Avoidance of Reporting Thresholds - Account Focus
28 STRAVCRCU Structuring - Avoidance of Reporting Thresholds Credit - Customer Focus Structuring - Avoidance of Reporting Thresholds - Customer Focus
29 STRAVDBCU Structuring - Avoidance of Reporting Thresholds Debit - Customer Focus Structuring - Avoidance of Reporting Thresholds - Customer Focus
30 STRAVCREE Structuring - Avoidance of Reporting Thresholds Credit - External Entity Focus Structuring - Avoidance of Reporting Thresholds - External Entity Focus
31 STRAVDBEE Structuring - Avoidance of Reporting Thresholds Debit - External Entity Focus Structuring - Avoidance of Reporting Thresholds - External Entity Focus
32 STRDEPWDCRCU Structuring - Deposits Withdrawals of Mixed Monetary Instruments Credit - Customer Focus Structuring - Deposits Withdrawals of Mixed Monetary Instruments - Customer Focus
33 STRDEPWDDBCU Structuring - Deposits Withdrawals of Mixed Monetary Instruments Debit - Customer Focus Structuring - Deposits Withdrawals of Mixed Monetary Instruments - Customer Focus
34 TRAEFTEEF Transactions in Round Amounts EFT - External Entity Focus Transactions in Round Amounts EFT - External Entity Focus
35 TRAMAF Transactions in Round Amounts - Account Focus Transactions in Round Amounts - Account Focus
36 TRAMIEEF Transactions in Round Amounts MI - External Entity Focus Transactions in Round Amounts MI - External Entity Focus
37 STRPOTCRCU Structuring - Potential Structuring in Cash and Equivalents Credit - Customer Focus Structuring - Potential Structuring in Cash and Equivalents Credit - Customer Focus
38 STRPOTDBCU Structuring - Potential Structuring in Cash and Equivalents Debit - Customer Focus Structuring - Potential Structuring in Cash and Equivalents Debit - Customer Focus
39 ATMFTAC Anomalies in ATM Bank Card - Foreign Transactions - Account Focus Anomalies in ATM Bank Card - Foreign Transactions - Account Focus
40 ATMFTCU Anomalies in ATM Bank Card - Foreign Transactions - Customer Focus Anomalies in ATM Bank Card - Foreign Transactions - Customer Focus

Single or Multiple Cash Transactions - Large Significant Transactions - Customer


Single or Multiple Cash Transactions - Large Significant Transactions - Customer


42 HREAC Focal High Risk Entity - Account Focus Focal High Risk Entity - Account Focus
43 ATMEWAC Anomalies in ATM, Bank Card- Excessive Withdrawals - Account Focus Anomalies in ATM, Bank Card- Excessive Withdrawals - Account Focus
44 ATMEWCU Anomalies in ATM, Bank Card- Excessive Withdrawals - Customer Focus Anomalies in ATM, Bank Card- Excessive Withdrawals - Customer Focus
45 AFEARLYPAYOFF Early Payoff or Paydown of a Credit Product - Account Focus Early Payoff or Paydown of a Credit Product - Account Focus
46 CFEARLYPAYOFF Early Payoff or Paydown of a Credit Product -Customer Focus Early Payoff or Paydown of a Credit Product -Customer Focus
47 CleanAMTempTables CleanAMTempTables CleanAMTempTables
48 EndBatch Not Applicable Not Applicable

A copy of the TMScenario batch is provided based on the frequency which each pre-configured scenario should be run, such as Daily, Weekly, Bi-Weekly, and Monthly. These batches contain only the scenario pipelines and jobs that will be run using this frequency. For detailed information about the frequency period for pre-configured scenarios, see the Technical Scenario Description. For information about how to set precedence for the Batch Group when creating your own scenario configuration, see Using Scheduler Services.