2 About Preparing Data

Administrators must prepare the business data in the required format using the specified templates to load into the application staging area. This section also explains the type of data files you are required to create, the size of data files, and the template in which you must provide the data.

You must create the data files in the required template in the .csv format. For more efficient and resilient uploads, it is recommended to split .csv files that are more than 100Mib into multiple files with the following naming convention for the files:
  • Single File: <YYYYMMDD>_<TABLENAME>.csv (For example, 20201124_STG_PARTY_MASTER.csv)
  • Split Multiple Files:<YYYYMMDD>_<TABLENAME>_<Sequence number>.csv (For example, 20201124_STG_PARTY_MASTER_1.csv, 20201124_STG_PARTY_MASTER_2.csv, 20201124_STG_PARTY_MASTER_3.csv, and so on)
Multiple files upload in parallel, which reduces the amount of time required to upload data files to the Object Storage.


  • At the end of every .csv file, the total count (TOTAL COUNT=) can be provided in the file. This row is optional.
  • The total count of records must not include the header.
  • In the case of a split file for any specific table, all the files must contain the respective file total count.
  • All the fields, data type, and length must be in line with the data model, for more information, see Data Model.
  • Date values must be in ‘DD-MON-YYYY’ format.
  • The maximum size of the data file (object) can be up to 10 TiB. Object parts must not be larger than 50 GiB.
The following image provides an example of the file count and the .csv file.

Figure 2-1 Sample .CSV File

This image shows how a sample .csv file displays.

The total count helps to assess the records that are loaded into the application staging tables.