Tables and Sample Templates

Use this section to refer to the complete list of tables and templates. You must refer to these tables and corresponding templates to update your data in the required .csv format.


If your firm has implemented multiple products, you are not required to load data separately for each product. You should load data once for all products.
The following table provides a list of table names and templates.

Table 2-1 Table Names for Data Loading

Table Name Entity Type Description Mandatory Transaction Monitoring Customer Screening Transaction Filtering Know Your Customer Investigation Hub
STG_CASA Account Current Account and Savings Account data of the financial institution. Demand Deposit comprises of Current and Savings Account, held at a bank or other financial institutions with no maturity. Y Y   Y
STG_CARDS Account Credit cards are issued by financial institutions giving the holder an option to borrow funds. Credit cards charge interest and are primarily used for short-term financing. N Y   Y
STG_LOAN_CONTRACTS Account A loan contract is a contract between a borrower and a lender which regulates the mutual promises made by each party.

If your implementation uses Delta load to seed data, you must maintain the STG_ACCOUNT_ALT_CCY_VALUES table entries for the corresponding dates when there is an update for loan or insurance tables.

N Y   Y
STG_ANNUITY_CONTRACTS Account The annuity contracts which are defined as a written agreement between a financial institution and a customer outlining each party's obligations in an annuity coverage agreement. N N   N
STG_LEASES_CONTRACTS Account Leases contracts are a formal document that identifies the lessor, lessee, and the leased asset or property; states lease term and fee (rent), and detailed terms and conditions of the lease agreement. N N   N
STG_MERCHANT_CARDS Account All contracts are related to merchant cards. N N   N
STG_RETIREMENT_ACCOUNTS Account A retirement account is an investment tool used by individuals to earn and earmark funds for retirement savings. N N   N
STG_SWAPS_CONTRACTS Account Swaps contract where one party exchanges or "swaps" the cash flows or value of one asset for another N N   N
STG_TD_CONTRACTS Account A term deposit is defined as a deposit held at a financial institution that has a fixed term. These are generally short-term with maturities ranging anywhere from a month to a few years. N N   N
STG_TRUSTS Account A trust account is managed by one party for the benefit of another. It is sometimes called an account held in trust, and the trust relationship can be either explicit or implied. N N   N
STG_MM_CONTRACTS Account Money market contracts data. N N   N
STG_TRADING_ACCOUNT Account An investment account containing securities, cash or other holdings. N N     N
STG_OD_ACCOUNTS Account Overdraft is an extension of credit from a lending institution when an account reaches zero. N N   N
STG_CORRESPONDENT_ACCOUNT Account A correspondent account is used to record accounts held at other banks including central banks.

Central bank accounts including reserve accounts are stored.

N N   N
STG_REPO_CONTRACTS Account A repurchase agreement (REPO) is a form of short-term borrowing for dealers in government securities. The dealer sells the government securities to investors, usually on an overnight basis, and buys them back. N N   N
STG_ACCT_GROUP_MASTER Account Account groupings that relate an account to other accounts through membership in the group. Households are an example of Account Groups. Y Y   Y
STG_ACCOUNT_GROUP_MEMBER Account Account groupings that relate an account to other accounts through membership in the group. Y Y   Y
STG_ACCT_ANTICIPATORY_PROFILE Account Projections of expected trading and transactional activity collected from a customer during the account opening. Y Y   Y
STG_PARTY_ACCOUNT_ROLE_MAP Account The mapping of an account to multiple roles played by a party. Y Y   Y
STG_ACCOUNT_ALT_CCY_VALUES Account The values are expected in reporting or local currency for a particular account. NOTE: If your implementation uses Delta load to seed data, you must maintain the corresponding entry in the Loan and Insurance entry when there is a balance update for loan or insurance in this table. Y Y   Y
STG_ACCOUNT_PHONE_MAP Account Phone numbers associated with an account. An account can have multiple phone numbers, such as home, business, and cellular. Y Y   Y
STG_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS_MAP Account The address associated with accounts held at the firm. NOTE: Refer to Supplemental Information for Account Address for more information about this table. Y Y   Y
STG_ACCOUNT_EMAIL_MAP Account An e-mail address for an account. An account can have multiple e-mail addresses, such as home and business. Y Y   Y
STG_TRUSTED_PAIR Account Trusted pairs are entities that are considered to enjoy a trusted relationship, meaning transactions between these two entities represents little or no risk to the institution. N N   N
STG_PRODUCT_MASTER Account This table contains information about the loan product types available in your implementation. N Y   N
STG_CARDS_MASTER Account This table contains information about the credit product types available in your implementation. N Y   Y
STG_PARTY_MASTER Customer Party refers to customer, issuer, guarantor, and so on. Y Y Y   Y
STG_PHONE_MASTER Customer Phone numbers of customers of the firm. NOTE: If your implementation uses Delta load to seed data, you must update the corresponding STG_ACCOUNT_PHONE_MAP and STG_PARTY_PHONE_MAP table entries when there is an update in this table. Y Y Y   Y
STG_ADDRESS_MASTER Customer The customer addresses. Each customer can have multiple addresses. NOTE: If your implementation uses Delta load to seed data, you must update the corresponding STG_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS_MAP and STG_PARTY_ADDRESS_MAP table entries when there is an update in this table. Y Y Y   Y
STG_EMAIL_MASTER Customer The customer’s e-mail addresses. A customer can have multiple e-mail addresses. NOTE: If your implementation uses Delta load to seed data, you must update the corresponding STG_ACCOUNT_EMAIL_MAP and STG_PARTY_EMAIL_MAP table entries when there is an update in this table. Y Y Y   Y
STG_CUST_ANTICIPATORY_PROFILE Customer The projections of expected trading and transaction activity were collected for a customer. Y Y   Y
STG_PARTY_PARTY_RELATIONSHIP Customer Parties related to each other. Y Y   Y
STG_COUNTRY_MASTER Customer The countries associated with the customer. This stores the master List of countries. Y Y   Y
STG_PARTY_ADDRESS_MAP Customer Mapping of party and address. NOTE: Refer to Supplemental Information for Customer Address for more information about this table. Y Y Y   Y
STG_PARTY_EMAIL_MAP Customer Mapping of party and email. Y Y Y   Y
STG_PARTY_DETAILS Customer The complete details of a party. Y Y Y   Y
STG_PARTY_PHONE_MAP Customer This entity contains customer phone numbers. Y Y   Y
STG_CUSTOMER_ALT_CCY_VALUES Customer The values expected in reporting/local currency for a particular customer. Y Y   Y
STG_CUSTOMER_IDENTIFCTN_DOC Customer The Customer Identification Document table contains information regarding identification documents provided by customers for the purpose of Know Your Customer (KYC) identity verification when opening an account. N N   Y
STG_PARTY_IDENTIFICATION_DOC Customer This staging table stores information regarding identification documents provided by customers for the purpose of Know Your Customer (KYC) identity verification when opening an account.

NOTE: With the 24.05.01 release, the STG_CUSTOMER_IDENTIFCTN_DOC table is no longer used. Existing customers must load data to STG_PARTY_IDENTIFICATION_DOC.

STG_PARTY_ROLE_MAP Customer Staging table for storing different roles that are played by a party. N Y     Y  
STG_FCC_KYC_EXT_SYS_FEEDBACK Customer/Prospect This staging table stores the investigation feedback details for KYC Risk Assessments investigated in the external case management system. The KYC application internally processes this data to update the investigation outcome against each risk assessment record. N N N N Y N
STG_PARTY_INS_POLICY_ROLE_MAP Insurance Staging table for mapping different roles that are played by a party on an insurance policy. N Y     N  
STG_CORRESPONDENT_MKT_SERVED Customer This table identifies the association between the customer and the markets it serves. In this case, the customer is expected to be a legal entity (versus an individual customer) that may serve many different markets. N N   Y
STG_CORRESPONDENT_PROD_SERVED Customer This table identifies the association between the customer and the products it offers. In this case, the customer is expected to be a legal entity (versus an individual customer) that may offer many different products. N N   Y
STG_PARTY_TYPE_MASTER Customer Staging table for storing different types that can be associated with a party. Y Y Y Y Y  
STG_CASA_TXNS Transaction The CASA Account Ledger populated at the end of the day. Y Y   Y
STG_CARDS_PAYMENT_TXNS Transaction The cards payment details with transaction granularity N Y   Y
STG_LOAN_CONTRACT_TXNS Transaction The transactions occurred on loan contracts. N Y   Y
STG_ANNUITY_TXNS Transaction Entity contains the annuity transactions. N N   N
STG_LEASES_TXNS Transaction The transactions occurred on lease contracts. N N   N
STG_TERMDEPOSITS_TXNS Transaction Term or Time deposit ledger details. N N   N
STG_MM_TXNS Transaction The transactions occurred on money market contracts data. N N   N
STG_SWAP_ACCOUNT_TXNS Transaction The swap account transactions. N N   N
STG_TRADING_ACCOUNT_TXNS Transaction The transactions performed on a trading account. N N   N
STG_OD_ACCOUNTS_TXNS Transaction The transactions which occurred on OD Accounts. N N   N
STG_TRUSTS_TXNS Transaction The transactions which occurred on trust accounts. N N   N
STG_CORRESPONDENT_ACCT_TXNS Transaction Entity contains the correspondent account transactions. N N   N
STG_MERCHANT_CARDS_TXNS Transaction The transactions which occurred on merchant card contracts. N N   N
STG_REPO_TRANSACTIONS Transaction Entity contains the REPO transactions. N N   N
STG_FRONT_OFFICE_TXN_PARTY Transaction A list of the parties, internal or external, involved in a front-office transaction that can vary with the type of transaction. Y Y   Y
STG_TXN_ALT_CCY_VALUES Transaction The values expected in reporting or local currency for a particular transaction. Y Y   Y
STG_WATCHLIST_MASTER Watchlist The risk and trust lists that are used to monitor transactional or trading activities for money laundering or fraud. Watch Lists are externally published lists from the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) and the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) for monitoring internal accounts or customers. Y Y   N
STG_WATCHLIST_MEMBER_ENTRY Watchlist The entities (countries, organizations, accounts, or persons) associated with a watch list for monitoring transactional or trading activities for money-laundering or fraud. Y Y   N
STG_LIFE_INS_CONTRACTS Insurance This tables stores details of policies which are related to life insurance contracts.   Y     N  
STG_LIFE_INS_POLICY_TXNS Insurance This table stores the transactions for the life insurance policy.   Y     N  
STG_INS_POLICY_FEATURE_MAP Insurance This table stores information about specific features of an insurance policy, such as riders and arrangements, that are not explicitly identified in the Insurance Policy table. This table will store the details of the features. For example, Rider Type as Death Benefit, Nursing Home Rider, and so on when the feature is "rider". The Arrangement type as Cost Averaging, Interest Sweep, and so on, when the feature is "arrangement".   Y     N  
FCC_AM_HOLIDAY_MASTER Holidays and other non-working days. Y Y   Y
FCC_AM_DATAORIGIN_COUNTRY_MAP The mapping of country to holidays and other non-working days. Y Y   Y
STG_RETIREMENT_ACCOUNTS_TXNS Transaction The transactions occurred on Retirement accounts. N N   N


  • After the data is prepared in the table csv files. the FCC_AM_HOLIDAY_MASTER and FCC_AM_DATAORIGIN_COUNTRY_MAP must be populated using the AMLHolidayMasterDataLoad batch. For more information, see Managing Batches.
  • In order for the data to correctly load in the AMLHolidayMasterDataLoad batch, headers must be removed in the FCC_AM_HOLIDAY_MASTER csv file.
  • For more information on scenarios and table mapping details, see Data Map files.
  • For more information on data structure, data type, column name, entity name, and so on, see Data Model files.
  • For more information on sample .csv format, see Sample Templates files.
  • For more information on Technical Scenario Description (TSDs), see TSD files.