Setting the C1_​CMO Feature Configuration

The C1_​CMO feature configuration enables the system to determine the following:
  • Administrative contracts and excess credit transactions which should be listed in the Customer 360° Information screen

  • Payments against the suspense, on account, and excess credit contracts which are eligible for partial payment transfer from the payment list


To set the C1_​CMO feature configuration, you should have:

  • Required contract types defined in the application


To set the C1_​CMO feature configuration:

  1. Click the Admin link in the Application toolbar.
    A list appears.
  2. From the Admin menu, select F and then click Feature Configuration.
    A sub-menu appears.
  3. Click the Search option from the Feature Configuration sub-menu.
    The Feature Configuration Query screen appears.
  4. In the Feature Configuration Search zone, enter C1_​CMO in the Feature Name field.
    Note: ORMB search engine supports wildcard search, where you can substitute the percentage (%) symbol as a stand in for any word or letter in a search criteria. You can use the ‘%’ wildcard character in all input fields except the date and ID fields. The ‘%’ wildcard character is suffixed automatically at the end of the partial search criteria. Therefore, you may or may not specify the wildcard character at the end of the partial search criteria. However, you have to prefix the wildcard character manually wherever required.
  5. Click Search.
    A list of feature configurations that meet the search criteria appears in the search results.
  6. In the Search Results section, click the link in the Description column corresponding to the feature configuration whose details you want to edit.

    The Feature Configuration screen appears. It contains the following option types:

    Option Type Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Administrative Contract Type Used to specify the contract type. The contracts of the specified contract type are then listed in the Administrative Contracts zone of the Account tab on the Customer 360° Information screen.

    If you want to specify multiple contract types, you need to set the Administrative Contract Type option type multiple times with a unique sequence number.

    If you do not specify the value for this option type, the data does not appear in the Administrative Contracts zone.

    On Account Contract Type Used to specify the contract type. The excess credit transactions on the contracts of the specified contract type are then listed in the Billed Vs Paid zone of the Account tab on the Customer 360° Information screen. It also helps the system to determine the payments against the on account contracts (created using the specified contract type) which are eligible for partial payment transfer from the payment list.

    If you want to specify multiple contract types, you need to set the On Account Contract Type option type multiple times with a unique sequence number.

    If you do not specify the value for this option type, the data does not appear in the Billed Vs Paid zone.

    Excess Credit Contract Type Used to specify the contract type. It helps the system to determine the payments against the excess credit contracts (created using the specified contract type) which are eligible for partial payment transfer from the payment list. Ideally, these excess credit contracts of the accounts should be used to park overpayments on the bills.
    Note: If you want to specify multiple contract types, you need to set the Excess Credit Contract Type option type multiple times with a unique sequence number.
    Suspense Contract Type Used to specify the contract type. It helps the system to determine the payments against the suspense contracts (created using the specified contract type) which are eligible for partial payment transfer from the payment list.
    Note: If you want to specify multiple contract types, you need to set the Suspense Contract Type option type multiple times with a unique sequence number.
    Excluded Contract types for netting Used when you want to exclude unmatched financial transactions of a particular contract type while creating transfer adjustments for a refund/write off request at the account level.
    Note: You can exclude multiple contract types by defining the Excluded Contract types for netting option type multiple times (with unique sequence number) in the feature configuration.
    Yes (Conditional)
    Note: This data is required when the adjustment level in the refund/write off request is set to Account or Bill.
  7. Enter the values for the required option types in the Feature Configuration screen.
  8. Click the Save button in the Page Title area.
    The changes made to the feature configuration are saved.

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