Rate Components

Note: This topic is not applicable for the health insurance business.

The Rate Components zone lists rate components and its details for price item pricing that are assigned to an account, person, or price list. This zone contains the following columns:

Column Name Column Description
Sequence Indicates the sequence number of the rate component.
Rate Components Displays a comma-separated string which consists of the following:
  • Rate Component ID

  • Rate Component Sequence Number

  • Tiering Setup of the Rate Component

Add Price Component On clicking the Add Price Component button, the Price Component screen appears where you can add the price component for the rate component.
Note: This button appears when the Pricing Status of the price item pricing is in Draft, Proposed and Template status.

On clicking the broadcast Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to the rate component, the Price Components zone appears with the details of the price components for the respective rate component.

You can change the layout of this zone. For more information on how to change the layout, see Changing the Layout.

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