Price Item Pricing (Used for Viewing)

Note: This topic is not applicable for the health insurance business.

Once the pricing is defined for a price item pricing which is assigned to a account, person, or price list, the Price Item Pricing screen allows you to:

  • Edit the details of a price item pricing

  • Delete a price item pricing

  • Submit a price item pricing for processing

  • View the details of price components of the rate component

  • View the details of tiering criteria, pricing eligibility criteria of a price component

  • Add price components of the rate components

  • Add tiering components, pricing eligibility criteria of the price components

  • Edit price components, tiering criteria, pricing eligibility criteria

  • Delete price components, tiering criteria, pricing eligibility criteria

When the price assignment is in Draft status and when:
  • Approval Workflow is off then status is changed from Draft to Active.

  • Approval Workflow is on then status is changed from Draft to Pending in Approval.

The Price Item Pricing screen contains the following zones:

  • Price Item Pricing

  • Price Item Pricing

  • Price Assignment Tree

  • Price Component
    Note: By default, the Price Component zone does not appear in the Price Item Pricing screen. It appears only when you click the Add (The Add Icon) icon corresponding to the rate component in the Price Assignment Tree zone and when the status of the price item pricing is Draft, Proposed, or Template.
  • Two-Dimensional Pricing

    Note: The Two-Dimensional Pricing zone appears in the Price Item Pricing screen only when the Two-Dimensional option is selected from the Pricing Rule Type field while defining the price item pricing.

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Parent topic: Pricing Management