Editing a Price Item Pricing

Note: This topic is not applicable for the health insurance business.


To edit a price item pricing, you should have:

  • Transactions mapped to the price item defined in the application

  • Rate schedules, rate versions, rate components defined in the application

  • Tiering criteria defined in the application

  • Tiering setup for the rate components defined in the application

  • Pricing eligibility defined in the application

  • Parameters associated with the price item (in case you want to define price item pricing based on those parameters)


To edit a price item pricing:

  1. Do either of the following:
    If you want to...Then...
    Edit pricing of a price item that is assigned to a person from Customer 360° View screen
    1. Search for the person in the Customer 360° View screen.

    2. In the Search Results section, click the Show Context Menu (The Context Menu Icon) icon corresponding to the person whose details you want to view.

      A menu appears.

    3. Click the Go To Effective Pricing menu option.

      The Pricing (Person) screen appears.

    4. Price assignments effective for the person appears in the Effective Price Assignments for Person zone.

    5. You can edit the pricing item pricing through the following alternatives:

      1. First alternative,

        • In the Search Results section of Effective Price Assignments for Person zone, click the Edit (The Edit Icon) icon in the Edit column corresponding to the price item pricing whose details you want to edit.

          The Price Item Pricing screen appears to edit the pricing details of a price item.

      2. Second alternative,

        • In the Search Results section of Effective Price Assignments for Person zone, click the link in the Pricing Information column corresponding to the price item whose pricing details you want to view.

          The Price Item Pricing screen appears.

        • Click the Edit button in the Record Actions section.

          The Price Item Pricing screen appears to edit the pricing details of a price item.

          Note: The Edit button appears when the price item pricing is in the Draft status.
      3. Third alternative,

        • Search for a price item in the Search Price Item or Price Item Pricing zone.

          In the Search Results section, click the Assign (The Assign Icon) icon corresponding to the price item.

        • Enter the required details in the Price Item Pricing screen and click Save.

          The Price Item Pricing screen appears.

        • Click the Edit button in the Record Actions section.

          The Price Item Pricing screen appears to edit the pricing details of a price item.

          Note: The Edit button appears when the price item pricing is in the Draft status.
    Edit pricing of a price item that is assigned to an account from Customer 360° View screen
    1. Search for the person in the Customer 360° View screen.

    2. In the Search Results section, click the Show Context Menu (The Context Menu Icon) icon corresponding to the account whose details you want to view.

      A menu appears.

    3. Click the Go To Effective Pricing menu option.

      The Pricing (Account) screen appears.

    4. Price assignments effective for the account appears in the Effective Price Assignments for Account zone.

    5. You can edit the pricing item pricing through the following alternatives:

      1. First alternative,

        • In the Search Results section of Effective Price Assignments for Account zone, click the Edit (The Edit Icon) icon in the Edit column corresponding to the price item pricing whose details you want to edit.

          The Price Item Pricing screen appears to edit the pricing details of a price item.

      2. Second alternative,

        • In the Search Results section of Effective Price Assignments for Account zone, click the link in the Pricing Information column corresponding to the price item whose pricing details you want to view.

          The Price Item Pricing screen appears.

        • Click the Edit button in the Record Actions section.

          The Price Item Pricing screen appears to edit the pricing details of a price item.

          Note: The Edit button appears when the price item pricing is in the Draft status.
      3. Third alternative,

        • Search for a price item in the Search Price Item or Price Item Pricing zone.

          In the Search Results section, click the Assign (The Assign Icon) icon corresponding to the price item.

        • Enter the required details in the Price Item Pricing screen and click Save.

          The Price Item Pricing screen appears.

        • Click the Edit button in the Record Actions section.

          The Price Item Pricing screen appears to edit the pricing details of a price item.

          Note: The Edit button appears when the price item pricing is in the Draft status.
    Edit pricing of a price item that is assigned to a price list from Price List screen
    1. Search for the price list in the Price List screen.

    2. In the Search Results section of Price List Price Items zone, click the link in the Pricing Information column corresponding to the price item whose pricing details you want to view.

      The Price Item Pricing screen appears.

    3. Click the Edit button in the Record Actions section.

      The Price Item Pricing screen appears to edit the pricing details of a price item.

      Note: The Edit button appears when the price item pricing is in the Draft status.
    Edit pricing of a price item that is assigned to a price list from Price List Price Item Pricing screen
    1. Search for the price list in the Price List screen.

      In the Search Results section, click the Price List Pricing (The View Icon) icon corresponding to the price list whose details you want to view.

      The Price List Price Item Pricing screen appears.

    2. Price items assigned to the price list appears in the Price List Price Items zone.

    3. You can edit the pricing item pricing through the following alternatives:

      1. First alternative,

        • In the Search Results section of Price List Price Items zone, click the Edit (The Edit Icon) icon in the Edit column corresponding to the price item pricing whose details you want to edit.

          The Price Item Pricing screen appears to edit the pricing details of a price item.

      2. Second alternative,

        • Search for a price item in the Search Price Item or Price Item Pricing zone.

          In the Search Results section, click the Assign (The Assign Icon) icon corresponding to the price item.

        • Enter the required details in the Price Item Pricing screen and click Save.

          The Price Item Pricing screen appears.

        • Click the Edit button in the Record Actions section.

          The Price Item Pricing screen appears to edit the pricing details of a price item.

          Note: The Edit button appears when the price item pricing is in the Draft status.
    The Price Item Pricing screen appears.
  2. Modify the required pricing details.

    If you change the effective start and end dates while editing a price item pricing, you need to specify the parameters which are effective during that date range.

    You can search for parameter, rate schedule by clicking the Search (The Search Icon) icon corresponding to the respective fields.

  3. Edit the deal information in a price item pricing, if required.
  4. Edit the TFM information in a price item pricing, if required.
  5. Edit the characteristics for a price item pricing, if required.
  6. Edit the parameters for a price item pricing, if required.
  7. Edit the price assignment, if required.
  8. Edit the pricing commitments, if required.
  9. Click Save.

    If any value other than Status and End Date is updated then the price item pricing for the price item is end with End Date updated as (today's date -1) and a new price item pricing is generated for the price item with new pice item pricing ID and start date as today's date.

    The Edit Price Components button appears when you are editing a price assignment which is in the Active, Proposed, or Template status and which is not past dated; If the approval workflow is on, then the Edit Price Components button appears when you are editing a proposed and template price assignment which is already approved.

    When the price assignment is in Draft status and,
    • When the approval workflow is on and is in Draft status then it is changed to Pending in Approval.

    When the price assignment is in Draft status and,
    • When the approval workflow is off and is in Draft status then it is changed to Active.

    The changes made to the price item pricing are saved.

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