Price Assignment Tree

Note: This topic is not applicable for the health insurance business.

The Price Assignment Tree zone displays the details about the rate components and its price components for the price item along with the tiering criteria and pricing eligibility details.

It also allows you to do the following:

  • Define, edit, copy, or delete the price component of the rate component

    Note: You can define, edit, copy, or delete the price component of the rate component when the price item pricing is in Draft, Proposed, or Template status.
  • Define, edit, copy, or delete the tiering criteria of the price component

    Note: You can define, edit, copy, or delete the tiering criteria of the price component when the price item pricing is in Draft, Proposed, or Template status.
  • Define, edit, copy, or delete the pricing eligibility criteria of the price component

    Note: You can define, edit, copy, or delete the eligibility criteria of the price component when the price item pricing is in Draft, Proposed, or Template status.
Note: You cannot define, edit, copy, or delete a price component when you are accessing the Price Assignment Tree zone from the Price List screen.

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