Persisting Fee for Fee Type Price Items

Note: This topic is not applicable for the health insurance business.

While defining a price item, you can indicate whether the price item is available for pricing and billing or only for pricing. If the price item is available only for pricing, you can indicate the type of the price item. The valid values for the price item type are:

  • Rate

  • Fees

The input elements Pricing Frequency, Advance Pricing should be populated if Price Item is available for Pricing Only, Price Item Type is Fees and Price Assignment Type is Post-Processing.

If the type of a price item is Fee, the system calculates and persist the fee for the price item.

Note: The Process Fees Request and Persist Fees for an Account (C1-ACFEE) batch is used to calculate and persist the fees for the account. It must be executed when a user wants to store fees.

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