Unified Search Feature

The Search field in the Application toolbar allows you to search for business entities (such as persons and accounts) in addition to the standard search for menu items. For example, you can search for a person using its name or primary identifier and account using its primary identifier. The unified search feature is a simplified version of search that allows you to search for records using free form search text or hint codes. For more complex queries, you may navigate to the corresponding advanced search screens.

You can use the following hints to search for the respective entities:

Hint Description Example
/ Used to search for a menu item to navigate directly to the corresponding page or BPA script rather than using the menus to navigate to the desired page or script. /Customer Registration
n: Used to search for a customer using the person or customer name. Here, you can specify the percentage (%) symbol as a wildcard character. The customers that meet the search criteria are shown in the drop-down list. Once you select a customer from the list, the Customer 360° Information screen appears with the details of the respective customer.

n: james

n: leo%do

id: Used to search for a customer using its primary identifier. Here, you cannot specify the percentage (%) symbol as a wildcard character. The customers that meet the search criteria are shown in the drop-down list. Once you select a customer from the list, the Customer 360° Information screen appears with the details of the respective customer. id: 344234423
aid: Used to search for an account using its primary identifier. Here, you cannot specify the percentage (%) symbol as a wildcard character. The accounts that meet the search criteria are shown in the drop-down list. Once you select an account from the list, the Customer 360° Information screen appears with the details of the respective account. aid: 0586096368

If you want to search for a person or account using any additional search criteria, you can directly access the Customer 360° View screen by clicking the Advanced Search link in the Search field.