Person to Person Relationship Type Sequence

Note: This topic is not applicable for the health insurance business.

Oracle Revenue Management and Billing provides you the flexibility to define person to person relationship type sequence:

  • For each division, price item, and price item parameters combination

  • For each division

  • In the C1_​PER_​REL feature configuration

The system will first check whether the person to person relationship type sequence is defined for the division, price item, and price item parameters combination. If the person to person relationship type sequence is defined for the division, price item, and price item parameters combination, the system will search effective price item pricing at the parent customer level based on the sequence defined for the combination. However, if the person to person relationship type sequence is not defined for the division, price item, and price item parameters combination, the system will check whether the person to person relationship type sequence is defined for the division. If the person to person relationship type sequence is defined for the division, the system will search effective price item pricing at the parent customer level based on the sequence defined for the division. However, if the person to person relationship type sequence is not defined for the division, the system will consider the person to person relationship type sequence defined in the C1_​PER_​REL feature configuration and accordingly search effective price item pricing at the parent customer level.

The Person to Person Relationship Type Sequence screen allows you to define, edit, and delete person to person relationship type sequence of:

  • a division

  • a division, price item, and price item parameters combination

This screen consists of the following zones:

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Parent Topic: Pricing Management