Editing Relationship Type Sequence of a Division

Note: This topic is not applicable for the health insurance business.


To edit person to person relationship type sequence of a division:

  1. Search person to person relationship type sequence for the division in the Person to Person Relationship Type S equence screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the Edit (The Edit Icon) icon in the Edit column corresponding to the division whose person to person relationship type sequence you want to edit.

    The Person Relationship Type Sequence for Division screen appears. It contains the following fields:

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Division Indicates the division for which person to person relationship type sequence is defined. Not applicable

    In addition, this screen contains the following section:

    • Person Relationship Type Sequence - This section allows you to define person to person relationship type sequence for the division. It contains the following columns:

      Column Name Column Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
      Sequence Number Used to indicate the sequence in which relationship type should be considered while searching for effective price item pricing at the parent customer level. Yes
      Relationship Type Used to indicate the person to person relationship type. Yes
  3. If you want to define more than one relationship type in the person to person relationship type sequence, click the Add (The Add Icon) icon and then enter the details in the Person Relationship Type Sequence section.
    Note: However, if you want to remove a relationship type from the person to person relationship type sequence, click the Delete (The Delete Icon) icon corresponding to the relationship type.
  4. Click Save.
    The changes made to the person to person relationship type sequence are saved.

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