Viewing the File Request Message Details


To view the file request message details:

  1. Search for the File Request screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the Broadcast The Broadcast Icon icon corresponding to the file id whose details you want to view.
    The File Request Message Detail zone appears. It consists of following columns:
    Column Name Column Description
    Message Category Message Category
    Message Number Message Number
    Retry Number of records in Retry status for this Error message.
    Note: Provided hyperlink will open a File Request Detail zone with all the records in Retry status of this File Id.
    Error Number of records in Error status for this Error message
    Note: Provided hyperlink will open a File Request Detail zone with all the records in Error status of this File Id.
    Note: The columns in the File Request Message Detail zone gets displayed when the value in the Retry column orError column is greater than zero.
    Tip: Alternatively, you can directly click on the link in the File Request list screen, which is having the value as greater than zero.

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