Outgoing Messages

"Outgoing messages" is the term used to describe messages that are initiated by our system and sent to an external system. Messages may be sent real time or near real time. The system provides the following mechanisms for communicating messages to external systems.

  • Outbound Messages. This method allows implementers to use configurable business objects to define the message format and to use scripts to build the message. If sent near real-time the message is posted to the outbound message table waiting for Oracle Service Bus to poll the records, apply the XSL and route the message. If sent real time, the message dispatcher routes the message immediately.

  • Web Service Adapters. Using a web service adapter, an implementation can consume a WSDL from an external system and create an “adapter” record that references the URL of the external system and creates appropriate request and response data areas to expose the payload information in a format understood by configuration tools. A script may then be written to build the request information and initiate a real-time web service call from within the system.

  • Send Email. The system supplies a dedicated business service that may be used to send an email real-time from within the application.

All these methods are described in more detail in the following sections.

Related Topics:

Parent Topic: External Messages