Page Title Area

The Page Title Area displays the page title and the page actions toolbar.

For certain pages in the system, the page title may be followed by an information string. It is only applicable to portal-based pages that display a single record. This information is only visible if the portal has been configured to display the primary key’s information string. Typically only “stand alone” maintenance portals are configured to show the information string, whereas “all-in-one” portals are not configured this way.

Fastpath: Refer to Common Base Portals and Zones for more information about standard base product portals.
Note: If an information string is long and would interfere with a page actions button, the information string will automatically be truncated and suffixed by an ellipsis, “…”, indicating that more information is available. In this situation, the missing text can be viewed if the user hovers their mouse over the string.

The Page Actions Toolbar displays standard control options, such as Save and Duplicate. More detail about the actions that may appear are described in the following section.

Related Topics:

Parent Topic: Page Components