Batch Run Threads

This portal provides details and analysis of the threads for a given batch run. It is accessed via a link from the batch jobs summary zone on the Batch Day Dashboard. An implementation may introduce additional zones to this portal as needed.

The following zones will appear as part of the portal's Main tab page

  • Thread Summary. This zone displays details of the individual threads for the batch run in context. It can be filtered by thread status.
  • Threads by Status. This zone displays a count of the number of threads by status for the selected batch run, in the form of a pie chart.
  • Threads by Volume. This zone displays a count of the records processed and records in error for each thread in the selected batch run, in the form of a bar chart.
  • Threads by Elapsed Time. This zone displays the elapsed time for each thread in the selected batch run, in the form of a horizontal bar chart.
  • Threads by Records Per Second. This zone displays the number of records processed per second for each thread in the selected batch run, in the form of a horizontal bar chart.